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Nadia F. Habib-Bein, William H. Beckwith, III, Donald Mayo, and Marie L. Landry. Comparison of SmartCycler Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay in a Public Health Laboratory with Direct Immunofluorescence and Cell Culture Assays in a Medical Center for Detection of Influenza . J. Clin. Microbiol., Aug 2003; 41: 3597 - 3601.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 8, 2004 from J. Clin. Microbiol., Aug 2003; 41: 3597 - 3601 (via http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/content/full/41/8/3597)
Comparison of SmartCycler Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay in a Public Health Laboratory with Direct Immunofluorescence and Cell Culture Assays in a Medical Center for Detection of Influenza A ...

Guy Boivin, St閜hanie C魌? Pierre D閞y, Gaston De Serres, and Michel G. Bergeron. Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assay for Detection of Influenza and Human Respiratory Syncytial Viruses. J. Clin. Microbiol., Jan 2004; 42: 45 - 51.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 8, 2004 from J. Clin. Microbiol., Jan 2004; 42: 45 - 51 (via http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/content/full/42/1/45)
Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assay for Detection of Influenza and Human Respiratory Syncytial Viruses Guy Boivin,1,2* St閜hanie C魌?1,2 Pierre D閞y,1,3 Gaston De Serres,4 and Michel G. Bergeron1,2 Research Center ...

Bj鰎n Herrmann, Christine Larsson, and Benita Wirgart Zweygberg. Simultaneous Detection and Typing of Influenza Viruses A and B by a Nested Reverse Transcription-PCR: Comparison to Virus Isolation and Antigen Detection by Immunofluorescence and Optical Immunoassay . J. Clin. Microbiol., Jan 2001; 39: 134 - 138.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 8, 2004 from J. Clin. Microbiol., Jan 2001; 39: 134 - 138 (via http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/content/full/39/1/134)
Simultaneous Detection and Typing of Influenza Viruses A and B by a Nested Reverse Transcription-PCR: Comparison to Virus Isolation and Antigen Detection by Immunofluorescence and Optical Immunoassay (FLU ...

JS Ellis, DM Fleming, and MC Zambon. Multiplex reverse transcription-PCR for surveillance of influenza A and B viruses in England and Wales in 1995 and 1996. J. Clin. Microbiol., Aug 1997; 35: 2076 - 2082.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 8, 2004 from J. Clin. Microbiol., Aug 1997; 35: 2076 - 2082
Multiplex reverse transcription-PCR for surveillance of influenza A and B viruses in England and Wales in 1995 and 1996 JS Ellis, DM Fleming and MC Zambon Enteric and Respiratory Virus Laboratory, Central ...

Goto H. A novel function of plasminogen-binding activity of the NA determines the pathogenicity of influenza A virus. Uirusu. 2004 Jun;54(1):83-91.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from Uirusu. 2004 Jun;54(1):83-91
[A novel function of plasminogen-binding activity of the NA determines the pathogenicity of influenza A virus][Article in Japanese]Goto H.Division of Virology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, ...

Cheam AL, Barr IG, Hampson AW, Mosse J, Hurt AC. In vitro generation and characterisation of an influenza B variant with reduced sensitivity to neuraminidase inhibitors. Antiviral Res. 2004 Sep;63(3):177-81.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from Antiviral Res. 2004 Sep;63(3):177-81
In vitro generation and characterisation of an influenza B variant with reduced sensitivity to neuraminidase inhibitors.Cheam AL, Barr IG, Hampson AW, Mosse J, Hurt AC.World Health Organisation Collaborating ...

Imai M, Watanabe S, Ninomiya A, Obuchi M, Odagiri T. Influenza B Virus BM2 Protein Is a Crucial Component for Incorporation of Viral Ribonucleoprotein Complex into Virions during Virus Assembly. J Virol. 2004 Oct;78(20):11007-15.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from J Virol. 2004 Oct;78(20):11007-15
Influenza B Virus BM2 Protein Is a Crucial Component for Incorporation of Viral Ribonucleoprotein Complex into Virions during Virus Assembly.Imai M, Watanabe S, Ninomiya A, Obuchi M, Odagiri T.Laboratory ...

SF Taylor, RJ Cottey, DS Zander, and BS Bender. Influenza infection of beta 2-microglobulin-deficient (beta 2m-/-) mice reveals a loss of CD4+ T cell functions with aging. J. Immunol., Oct 1997; 159: 3453 - 3459.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Immunol., Oct 1997; 159: 3453 - 3459
Following influenza infection, aged mice have prolonged viral shedding that is presumably due to lower anti-influenza class I-restricted CD8+ CTL activity. To examine alternative viral clearance mechanisms ...

Kathryn B. Renegar, Parker A. Small, Jr, Lou G. Boykins, and Peter F. Wright. Role of IgA versus IgG in the Control of Influenza Viral Infection in the Murine Respiratory Tract. J. Immunol., Aug 2004; 173: 1978 - 1986.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Immunol., Aug 2004; 173: 1978 - 1986
Role of IgA versus IgG in the Control of Influenza Viral Infection in the Murine Respiratory Tract1 Kathryn B. Renegar2,*, Parker A. Small, Jr, Lou G. Boykins and Peter F. Wright* * Division of Infectious ...

T Muster, EK Subbarao, M Enami, BR Murphy, and P Palese. An Influenza A Virus Containing Influenza B Virus 5´ and 3´ Noncoding Regions on the Neuraminidase Gene is Attenuated in Mice. PNAS, Jun 1991; 88: 5177 - 5181.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from PNAS, Jun 1991; 88: 5177 - 5181
An Influenza A Virus Containing Influenza B Virus 5´ and 3´ Noncoding Regions on the Neuraminidase Gene is Attenuated in Mice T Muster, EK Subbarao, M Enami, BR Murphy and P Palese Influenza ...

WS Barclay and P Palese. Influenza B viruses with site-specific mutations introduced into the HA gene. J. Virol., Feb 1995; 69: 1275 - 1279.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Virol., Feb 1995; 69: 1275 - 1279
Influenza B viruses with site-specific mutations introduced into the HA gene WS Barclay and P Palese Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029. We have succeeded ...

Tine Westergaard, Preben B. Mortensen, Carsten B. Pedersen, Jan Wohlfahrt, and Mads Melbye. Exposure to Prenatal and Childhood Infections and the Risk of Schizophrenia: Suggestions From a Study of Sibship Characteristics and Influenza Prevalence. Arch Gen Psychiatry, Nov 1999; 56: 993 - 998.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from Arch Gen Psychiatry, Nov 1999; 56: 993 - 998
Exposure to Prenatal and Childhood Infections and the Risk of Schizophrenia Suggestions From a Study of Sibship Characteristics and Influenza Prevalence Tine Westergaard, MD; Preben B. Mortensen, MD, ...

PD Reuman, CM Paganini, EM Ayoub, and PA Small, Jr. Maternal-infant transfer of influenza-specific immunity in the mouse. J. Immunol., Feb 1983; 130: 932 - 936.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Immunol., Feb 1983; 130: 932 - 936
Maternal-infant transfer of influenza-specific immunity in the mouse PD Reuman, CM Paganini, EM Ayoub and PA Small Jr The effects of maternal-infant transfer of influenza-specific antibody on influenza ...

RM Kris, R Asofsky, CB Evans, and PA Small, Jr. Protection and recovery in influenza virus-infected mice immunosuppressed with anti-IgM. J. Immunol., Feb 1985; 134: 1230 - 1235.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Immunol., Feb 1985; 134: 1230 - 1235
Protection and recovery in influenza virus-infected mice immunosuppressed with anti-IgM RM Kris, R Asofsky, CB Evans and PA Small Jr BALB/c mice, immunosuppressed from birth with goat anti-mouse IgM, ...

Seo, S. H., Goloubeva, O., Webby, R., Webster, R. G. Characterization of a Porcine Lung Epithelial Cell Line Suitable for Influenza Virus Studies. Influenza Virus Studies. J. Virol. 75: 9517-9525.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from Influenza Virus Studies. J. Virol. 75: 9517-9525 (via http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/full/75/19/9517)
Characterization of a Porcine Lung Epithelial Cell Line Suitable for Influenza Virus Studies Sang Heui Seo,1 Olga Goloubeva,2 Richard Webby,1 and Robert G. Webster1,* Departments of Virology and Molecular ...

EA Govorkova, G Murti, B Meignier, C de Taisne, and RG Webster. African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells provide an alternative host cell system for influenza A and B viruses. J. Virol., Aug 1996; 70: 5519 - 5524.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Virol., Aug 1996; 70: 5519 - 5524
African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells provide an alternative host cell system for influenza A and B viruses EA Govorkova, G Murti, B Meignier, C de Taisne and RG Webster Department of Virology & Molecular ...

Y. Suzuki and M. Nei. Origin and Evolution of Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Genes. Mol. Biol. Evol., April 1, 2002; 19(4): 501 - 509.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from Mol. Biol. Evol., April 1, 2002; 19(4): 501 - 509 (via http://mbe.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/19/4/501)
Origin and Evolution of Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Genes Yoshiyuki Suzuki and Masatoshi Nei Institute of Molecular Evolutionary Genetics and Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University ...

GM Air, AJ Gibbs, WG Laver, and RG Webster. Evolutionary Changes in Influenza B are Not Primarily Governed by Antibody Selection. PNAS, May 1990; 87: 3884 - 3888.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from PNAS, May 1990; 87: 3884 - 3888
Evolutionary Changes in Influenza B are Not Primarily Governed by Antibody Selection GM Air, AJ Gibbs, WG Laver and RG Webster Influenza B viruses evolve more slowly than human influenza A, but no reasons ...

Jonathan A. McCullers, George C. Wang, Shiqin He, and Robert G. Webster. Reassortment and Insertion-Deletion Are Strategies for the Evolution of Influenza B Viruses in Nature. J. Virol., Sep 1999; 73: 7343 - 7348.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Virol., Sep 1999; 73: 7343 - 7348 (via http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/full/73/9/7343)
Reassortment and Insertion-Deletion Are Strategies for the Evolution of Influenza B Viruses in Nature Jonathan A. McCullers,1,2,3,* George C. Wang,4 Shiqin He,5 and Robert G. Webster1,6 Department of ...

Makoto Takeda, Andrew Pekosz, Kevin Shuck, Lawrence H. Pinto, and Robert A. Lamb. Influenza A Virus M2 Ion Channel Activity Is Essential for Efficient Replication in Tissue Culture. J. Virol., Feb 2002; 76: 1391 - 1399.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from J. Virol., Feb 2002; 76: 1391 - 1399 (via http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/full/76/3/1391)
Influenza A Virus M2 Ion Channel Activity Is Essential for Efficient Replication in Tissue Culture Makoto Takeda,1 Andrew Pekosz,2, Kevin Shuck,2 Lawrence H. Pinto,3 and Robert A. Lamb1,2* Howard Hughes ...

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