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Study links melting glaciers, medical threats    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 26, 2004 from Toronto Star,燙anada
The retreat of glaciers around the world is the most visible ?and depressing ?sign of global warming. If that retreat continues at its present rate, it won't be long before the glaciers will be gone, ...

submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 26, 2004 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int/downld/AVIAN%20INFLUENZA/A_AI-Asia.htm)
UPDATE ON AVIAN INFLUENZA IN ANIMALS IN ASIA (TYPE H5)* 24 September 2004 Location Virus type Official reports Date Link Korea (Republic of)   H5N1 12/12/2003 16/12 ...

Thailand:Avian Influenza surveillance in human    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 26, 2004 from MOH,Thai (via http://thaigcd.ddc.moph.go.th/AI_case_report_240904.html)
Avian Influenza surveillance in humanAs at September 24, 2004.Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health          Bureau ...

Thailand probes possible human transmission of bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 25, 2004 from Straits Times,燬ingapore
... Health experts are worried about the possibility of the avian virus combining with a human influenza virus to create a more deadly version that could easily be ... [Detail]

WHO fears human transmission of bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 25, 2004 from ABC Asia Pacific,燗sia
... bird flu. It was only then that her child's fatal illness fell under suspicion of being the deadly strain of avian influenza. The ... [Detail]

Malaysian Sailors Ill In Possible Bird Flu Spread    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 25, 2004 from CattleNetwork.com (via http://www.cattlenetwork.com/content.asp?contentid=2979)
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--Malaysia checked five sailors for bird flu on Friday in the first possible cases outside a northern state where an outbreak erupted five weeks ago.   The sailors already were ...

Childhood Influenza Vaccination Coverage, US, 2002 to 2003 Influenza Season    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 24, 2004 from medicalnewstoday
A report issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that only 4.4 percent of the nation’s children aged 6 to 23 months were fully vaccinated against influenza during ...

Fiji:Mystery virus worries ministry    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 24, 2004 from Fiji Times (via http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=8836)
A MYSTERY influenza outbreak in Fiji is a concern to the Ministry of Health as it has yet to identify its cause. National disease outbreak specialist Dr Joe Koroivueta confirmed that 16,484 of influenza-like ...

Australia: Health authorities begin drugs stockpile to deal with pandemic    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 24, 2004 from The Border Mail (via http://www.bordermail.com.au/newsflow/pageitem?page_id=80938)
AUSTRALIA was overdue for a massive influenza outbreak in which thousands could die, health experts warned yesterday. Health authorities in Australia have been working with the World Health Organisation ...

British envoy denies new travel advisory vs Philippines    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 24, 2004 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-09/23/content_2013832)
The British government never issued any new warnings against travel to the Philippines because of the threat of terrorism as reported in the newspapers Wednesday, a British diplomat said here Thursday. ...

Thailand reports three deaths suspected of bird flu infection    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 24, 2004 from XinhuaNet News
BANGKOK, Sept. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- Thailand on Thursday added three deceased patients to the list of suspected cases of bird flu infection.    The three patients, including a pair of mother and ...

Malaysia discovers 2 new bird flu cases    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 23, 2004 from AP (via http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/latest/story/0,4390,274190,)
KUALA LUMPUR - Veterinary workers found two new cases of bird flu on Thursday in the quarantined northern state that has resisted intensive eradication efforts since the disease erupted in Malaysia five ...

WHO warns Australia of flu threat    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 23, 2004 from AAP (via http://seven.com.au/news/topstories/121801)
Australia is overdue for a massive influenza outbreak which could kill thousands, health experts warn. Health authorities in Australia have been working with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to develop ...

Flu surveillance brief of Nanjing city, China    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 23, 2004 from Jinling Daily
translated by F.I.C According to the director of Nanjing CDC, Li Jiequan, the sentinel network of Nanjing city has detected 25,437 flu-like cases from January to June this year, up by 214.39% compared ...

Influenza alert: Shenzhen(China)    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2004 from Ming Pao News
In response to World Health Organization's warning that some regions of China may be involved in extensive influenza outbreak this year, the Shenzhen CDC issues an influenza alert to warn that the municipality ...

Bird flu detected at farm near Cambodian capital    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2004 from AP (via http://asia.news.yahoo.com/040922/ap/d858fd9g1.html)
Bird flu detected at farm near Cambodian capital A farm near the Cambodian capital was closed after about 2,300 chickens died of bird flu _ apparently the first cases of the disease in the country following ...

Thailand and Malaysia to tighten border control against bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2004 from XinhuaNet News
and and Malaysia have been hit by the second wave of outbreak of bird flu in recent months. Thailand, heavy impacted by the first wave of news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-09/21/content_2004314.htm

Flu-resistant drugs,are we prepared for an influenza pandemic?    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2004 from U.S. News & World Report (subscription),燯nited States
Flu-resistant drugs Are we prepared for an influenza pandemic? By Helen Fields So far, the bird flus that have been popping up in Southeast Asia have remained bird-centric, with only a few human cases. ...

Good communication helped S´pore beat Sars: WHO adviser    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2004 from Straits Times,燬ingapore
Good communication helped S'pore beat Sars: WHO adviser Expert praises Govt's strategy of telling people what to expect, responding to their fears and yet not being overly reassuring By Lee Hui Chieh ...

Update: Influenza Activity United States and Worldwide, 2003-04 ..    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2004 from Journal of American Medical Association (subscription),燯nited States
During the 2003-04 influenza season, influenza A (H1), A (H3N2), and B viruses co-circulated worldwide, and influenza A (H3N2) viruses predominated. ... [Detail]

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