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Zhang ZZ, etc.,al. characterization of NS1 gene of influenza virus in Southern China. Prog biochem biophys.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 31, 2004 from Prog biochem biophys

Li JM,etc.,al. serological investigation on the population infection of AI H9N2 in Shantou City. Strait J Prev Med.  Abstract  
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 31, 2004 from Strait J Prev Med

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne annual report 2003. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2004 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2004 Surveillance map of SE Asia and Oceania. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2004 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2004 Surveillance map of Australia. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2004 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2003 Surveillance map of SE Asia and Oceania. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 30, 2003 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2003 Surveillance map of Australia. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2003 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2002 Surveillance map of SE Asia and Oceania. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2002 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2001 Surveillance map of SE Asia and Oceania. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2001 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. 2001 Surveillance map of Australia. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2001 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. Australia: Age and influenza subtypes for samples received in 2001. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2001 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne. Thailand influenza isolation in 2001. WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2001 from WHO influenza Centre, Melbourne

EISS. Survey of Influenza Surveillance Systems in Europe (26 pages). EISS.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 30, 2000 from EISS

EISS. Survey of Virological Methods used for the Surveillance of Influenza in Europe. EISS.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 30, 2003 from EISS

EISS. Protocol for the Evaluation of the Quality of Clinical Data. EISS.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2003 from EISS

EISS. EISS Annual Report: 2002-2003 Influenza Season (52 pages). EISS.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2003 from EISS

EISS. EISS Annual Report: 2001-2002 Influenza Season (34 pages). EISS.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2002 from EISS

EISS. EISS Annual Report: 2000-2001 Influenza Season (32 pages). EISS.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 30, 2001 from EISS

J.C. Manuguerra, A. Mosnier. Surveillance of influenza in Europe from October 1999 to February 2000. Eurosurveillance Monthly archives 2000 Volume 5 Issue 6.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 30, 2000 from Eurosurveillance Monthly archives 2000 Volume 5 Issue 6
J.C. Manuguerra 1, A. Mosnier 2 on behalf of EISS (European Influenza Surveillance Scheme)*1 National Reference Centre for Influenza (Northern France), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France2 National co-ordination ...

W John Paget and Jean-François Aguilera. Influenza pandemic planning in Europe. Eurosurveillance Monthly archives 2001 Volume 6 Issue 9.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2001 from Eurosurveillance Monthly archives 2001 Volume 6 Issue 9
W John Paget 1 and Jean-François Aguilera 2,3 on behalf of the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS)* 1 European Influenza Surveillance Scheme coordination centre, Netherlands Institute ...

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