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發表人:kickingbird  發表時間:2005年3月11日12点9分  來源:全球流感信息情報網

  • Surveillance of influenza in Apulia, Italy, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, and 2002-2003 seasons.
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053105004.htm Article
  • Pathogenicity of H5 influenza viruses for ducks.
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053102199.htm Article
  • Oral Oseltamivir Improves Pulmonary Function and Reduces Exacerbation Frequency for Influenza-Infected Children With Asthma.
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053109153.htm Article
  • Evaluation of three immunoassay kits for rapid detection of influenza virus a and B.
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053102287.htm Article
  • Genetic characterization of H5N1 avian influenza viruses isolated in southern China during the 2003-04 avian influenza outbreaks.
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053108316.htm Article
  • Rapid Identification of Emerging Pathogens: Coronavirus
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053104270.htm Article
  • Characterization of a Novel Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin Subtype (H16) Obtained from Black-Headed Gulls
    http://www.flu.org.cn/resources/20053108808.htm Article
  • 地理信息系統(GIS)進行高致病性禽流感控制中的應用
    http://www.flu.org.cn/scn/resources/2005393747.htm Article
  • 新型H5N1亞型禽流感滅活疫苗對鴨、鵝及鴿免疫原性研究
    http://www.flu.org.cn/scn/resources/2005394487.htm Article
  • 香港:流感速遞 (2005年第9周)
    http://www.flu.org.cn/scn/resources/2005398503.htm Article
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