US:California To Restrict Use of Mercury-Containing Vaccines for .. submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 from Medical News Today California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on Tuesday signed a bill (AB 2943) that will restrict the use of vaccines containing more than trace amounts of ethyl mercury in pregnant women and infants ... Hong Kong offers free flu vaccine submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from XinhuaNet News BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- The Hong Kong government would provide flu vaccine for up to 250,000 citizens free of charge in November.
The free vaccine will be ... Avian flu pandemic feared submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from The New York Times BANGKOK, Thailand · A day after Thai and international officials confirmed the first probable human-to-human transmission of a virulent strain of avian influenza in this country, public health systems ... Southeast Asia:Disease threat from wildlife is a key topic submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from The Nation (via BANGKOK: Disease transmission from wildlife to humans could be a major topic of discussion at the upcoming international conference on wildlife trade as Southeast Asia and host country Thailand battle ... Taiwan:International airport to employ strict new rules to block bird flu [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from Taiwan News (via The Center for Disease Control announced yesterday that stricter measures will be taken at the Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in order to prevent avian flu entering the island.
Among the recent ... US:32,000 Senior Citizens Died From Flu Last Year -- Record Amount of.. submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from,燭X (via 32,000 Senior Citizens Died From Flu Last Year -- Record Amount of Vaccine Available This Year
Senate hearing held as the U.S. conducts National Adult Immunization Awareness Week
Sept. 29, 2004 ? The ... US readies (human) vaccine (against bird flu) for testing submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from Straits Times,燬ingapore (via,4386,275) WASHINGTON - As part of planning for a possible bird flu pandemic, the United States' Department of Health and Human Services has contracted two drug companies to make batches of vaccine, which will be ... Haemophilus influenza:Bacteria´s Glue Valve Surprises Scientists submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from Medical News Today,燯K (via St Louis, USA ?To stick to cells in the respiratory tract and start an infection, the bacterium Haemophilus influenza has to secrete a glue-like protein. Researchers at Washington University School of ... China:Measures urged to keep out bird flu submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from,燙hina (via China is requiring all localities to strengthen preventive measures against the possible outbreak of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, or bird flu, during the autumn and winter, according to ... Malaysian poultry back in Singapore but AVA will impose stricter.. submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from The Malaysia Star,燤alaysia Trucks carrying more than 120,000 chickens, 2,000 ducks and 1.3 million eggs a day from Malaysia will start rolling into Singapore this morning following the city state's decision to partially lift the ... Death of baby from avian flu in Vietnam brings toll in that country to 20 submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 29, 2004 from Brunswick News Inc (via HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - Vietnam confirmed Wednesday a 14-month-old baby who died earlier this month had tested positive for avian flu, bringing the region's death toll from the disease to 30.The infant boy ... Australia: Five die amid flu outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 29, 2004 from (via,4057,10916655%255) FIVE people have died and four nursing homes quarantined after an outbreak of flu in the NSW Hunter Valley.Cases of influenza A, which this month claimed 10 lives at Newcastle's Bethel Aged Care Facility, ... China:First influenza case detected in Tianjin since August submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 29, 2004 from Jinwanbao (via According the news from Tianjin CDC, first influenza virus was isolated from a patient in hospital in August. The virus isolate was identified as H3 subtype by China CDC. Revealing H3 influenza virus might ... China warns against possible bird flu in autumn, winter submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 29, 2004 from XinhuaNet News BEIJING, Sept. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- China has required all localitiesto strengthen preventive efforts against the possible outbreak of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, or bird flu, during the ... Japan lifts ban on poultry imports from 3 US states submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 29, 2004 from XinhuaNet News TOKYO, Sept. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- Japan on Tuesday lifted a ban on US poultry imports from the states of Rhode Island, Delaware and Maryland as product safety was confirmed with no fresh outbreaks of a bird ... Singapore to lift ban on poultry imports from Malaysia submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 29, 2004 from XinhuaNet News SINGAPORE, Sept. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- Singapore will lift the ban on poultry imports from Malaysia's southern states of Johor and Malacca from Thursday.
According to a statement ... Thailand Has Probable Human Bird Flu Transmission submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from Reuters (via BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand said on Tuesday it had found its first known probable case of a human being infecting another with bird flu, but insisted it was an isolated incident that posed little risk ... Factsheet:Bird flu: What you need to know [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from CNN What is bird flu (avian influenza)?
?nbsp;Avian influenza is an infectious disease of birds caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. The disease, first identified in Italy more than 100 years ... Bird flu virus unlikely to be eradicated soon, warn global bodies submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 28, 2004 from Channel News Asia,燬ingapore ROME : The bird flu epidemic in Asia is a "crisis of global importance" and the virus is unlikely to be eradicated soon, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal ... Thailand:Country on high birdflu alert following new case submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 27, 2004 from The Nation, Thailand,燭hailand The Public Health Ministry yesterday confirmed the second case of human bird flu in a new wave of the deadly disease and announced it was putting all parts of the country on high alert for the epidemic. ... 5848 items, 20/Page, Page[283/293][|<<] [|<] [281] [282] [283] [284] [285] [286] [287] [288] [289] [290] [>|] [>>|] Search local
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