Hong Kong offers free flu vaccine
submited by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 0:1 AM from XinhuaNet News
The free vaccine will be mainly for senior citizens in welfare centers, disabled citizens, citizens above 65 years and citizens on government relief.
Hong Kong health authorities also suggested babies between six to 23 months old and young people who often take aspirin be vaccinated.
Flu would increase the chances of Reye´s syndrome on aspirin takers, said the report. Reye´s syndrome damages people´s liver and could result in death.
- UK: Bird flu (avian influenza) - latest situation in England 20 hours ago
- UK: Bird flu (avian influenza) - latest situation in England 2 days ago
- US: Preliminary Testing Confirms Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Second Montgomery County Backyard Flock in Maryland 2 days ago
- UK: Bird flu (avian influenza) - latest situation in England 3 days ago
- UK: Bird flu (avian influenza) - latest situation in England 4 days ago
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