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WHO:Avian influenza–situation in VietNam-update 10    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 7, 2005 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2005_03_07/en/)
Avian influenza – situation in Viet Nam - update 10 7 March 2005 The Ministry of Health in Viet Nam has confirmed an additional four cases of human infection with H5N1 avian influenza. Details about ...

Vaccines and vaccination to control avian influenza    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 8, 2005 from ProMedMail
Date: Mon 7 Mar 2005From: David Swayne Vaccines and vaccination to control avian influenza-----------------------------------------------The following is provided as background ...

Vietnamese nurse tests positive to bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 7, 2005 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20050307/wl)
 A 26-year old Vietnamese nurse who cared for a patient with bird flu in northern Vietnam has contracted the deadly virus, a doctor said.  It was still unclear whether the man contracted the ...

Thailand:Ministers at odds on flu vaccine test    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 5, 2005 from Bangkok post (via http://www.bangkokpost.com/News/05Mar2005_news02.php)
Thailand is pressing ahead with a plan to conduct joint trials of a human vaccine against avian flu in Thailand with the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Public Health Minister Sudarat ...

Biota boosted by UK flu stockpiling    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 4, 2005 from Biota
Melbourne, Australia, 4 March 2005 ?Biota Holdings Limited (ASX:BTA) announced that the recent decision by the UK Government to stockpile nearly A$500 million of flu antivirals further demonstrates the ...

Vietnam says first bird flu vaccine tests successful    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 4, 2005 from Reuters
  HANOI (Reuters) - Initial tests of a bird flu vaccine on monkeys in Vietnam, the country hit worst by an epidemic that has killed 47 people in Asia, have been successful, a top medical official ...

Avian flu reported again in Indonesia    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 4, 2005 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/avianflu/)
More than 12,000 chickens and quail have died in the past 2 months in an outbreak of avian influenza on the Indonesian island of Java, according to an Associated Press (AP) report published today. The ...

Vietnam sees additional suspected bird flu case    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 4, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-03/03/content_2642870)
One person from Vietnam´s northern region has just been hospitalized after exhibiting bird flu symptoms, local newspaper Pioneer reported Thursday.     Samples from the patient ...

Update: Influenza Activity United States, 2004--05 Season    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 4, 2005 from US CDC (via http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5408a1.htm)
Influenza activity has increased steadily in the United States since late December and, as of February 19, might not have peaked. Laboratory-confirmed influenza infections have been reported from all 50 ...

Results of survey of national influenza pandemic preparedness in Europe    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 4, 2005 from Eurosurveillance weekly 2005 Volume 10 Issue 9 (via http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ew/2005/050303.asp#1)
Results of survey of national influenza pandemic preparedness in Europe Massimo Ciotti (Massimo.Ciotti@cec.eu.int)1, Franz Karcher1, Bernardus Ganter2, Peet Tüll2, 1Health Threats Unit, European Commission, ...

release of second version of China Flu Surveilliance Map    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 3, 2005 from F.I.C
the second version of CFSM is releasing at http://www.flu.org.cn/mapSurveillance.asp. The data presents on the map is not valid and only for test purpose. advice on the bugs and improvement of the CFSM ...

Drug maker in talks to supply antiviral stockpile    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 3, 2005 from Reuters (via http://msnbc.msn.com/id/7067756/)
ZURICH - Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG is in talks with a dozen countries, including the United States, to supply stockpiles of its Tamiflu drug to protect their populations against a possible bird ...

UK:Health Protection Agency publishes its flu pandemic plan    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 2, 2005 from HPA
The Health Protection Agency has today published its flu pandemic plan, which sets out how the Agency will protect the public´s health in the event of a flu pandemic affecting the UK . The plan will operate ...

UK:Government to announce bird flu protection plan    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 1, 2005 from SocietyGuardian.co.uk (via http://society.guardian.co.uk/publichealth/story/0,11098,142)
Plans for dealing with a bird flu pandemic in the UK are to be unveiled by the government today. The health secretary, John Reid, and the chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, will outline a "preparedness ...

Vietnamese Woman Confirmed to Have Bird Flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 1, 2005 from Reuters
A 35-year-old poultry market cleaner in northern Vietnam has contracted bird flu, which has killed 47 people in Asia, the Lao Dong newspaper reported on Tuesday.  It said the woman was taken to ...

Vietnam health authorities report another bird flu death    
submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 1, 2005 from Channelnewsasia (via http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/)
HANOI : A 21-year-old man from northern Vietnam has died of bird flu, becoming the fifteenth victim of the disease in the Southeast Asian country in the past two months, the health ministry said on Tuesday. ...

Vietnam reports one more bird flu human case    
submitted by kickingbird at Feb, 28, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-02/28/content_2628593)
Vietnam´s testing indicated that a 14-year-old girl from northern Thai Binh province has been infected with bird flu virus strain H5N1, while her elder brother was earlier confirmed to contract it. ...

Bird flu kills 47th Asian victim in Vietnam    
submitted by kickingbird at Feb, 27, 2005 from China Daily (via http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-02/28/content_)
Bird flu has killed a 69-year-old Vietnamese man, the 47th Asian victim of a virus experts fear could unleash a global influenza pandemic capable of wiping out millions of people. The man was taken to ...

Hong Kong to strengthen lab test in infectious diseases    
submitted by kickingbird at Feb, 28, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-02/27/content_2625416)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong announced here Sunday that its Physical Containment Level 3 Laboratory for infectious diseases will start operation next month.     Professor Joseph ...

US:Flu cases approaching 2,000 in North Dakota    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Feb, 26, 2005 from Forum Communications Co (via http://new.in-forum.com/ap/index.cfm?page=view&id=D88FS4)
State health officials say the number of confirmed flu cases in North Dakota is approaching 2,000, though the illness appears to be on a downward trend. "The next couple of weeks will kind of tell if ...

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