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WHO: Influenza Pandemic Task Force holds first meeting    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 27, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/notes/2006/np28/en/index)
26 SEPTEMBER 2006 | GENEVA -- The World Health Organization (WHO) Influenza Pandemic Task Force (IPTF) met for the first time on 25 September at WHO Headquarters in Geneva. The Task Force, whose current ...

Britain completes stockpile of Tamiflu flu drug    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 27, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
The final consignment of Britain's Tamiflu drug stockpile will be delivered this week, putting in place a central plank of contingency plans against a future flu pandemic, the Department of Health said ...

Thailand: a new bird flu death confirmed (59-year-old male)    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 26, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060926/wl_asia_afp/healthfluth)
 A 59-year-old farmer has died of bird flu in northeastern Thailand, bringing the death toll in the country from the deadly H5N1 virus this year to three, public health officials have said. Kumnuan ...

OIE: Avian influenza in Egypt-Follow-up report No. 4    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 26, 2006 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int/eng/info/hebdo/AIS_78.HTM#Sec11)
Information received on 20 September 2006 from Dr Ahmed Tawfik Mohamed, Chairman of the General Organization for Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo: End of previous report period: 10 ...

Indonesia: confirms 51st bird flu death    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 24, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060924/wl_asia_afp/healthfluin)
A nine-year-old boy has been confirmed as Indonesia's 51st human bird flu fatality, a health ministry official said. The boy died on September 22 and test results from two laboratories confirmed he was ...

Indonesia: confirms 50th bird flu death    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 23, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060922/hl_afp/healthfluindones)
An 11-year-old boy was confirmed as Indonesia's 50th bird flu fatality, a health ministry official said as the nation continues to grapple with fresh outbreaks of the virus. Indonesia, the world's fourth ...

Ukraine moves to prevent outbreak of bird flu in fall    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2006 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-09/22/content_5124408)
    Ukraine's veterinarian authorities and its emergency situation and health ministries are taking measures to prevent a potential outbreak of the highly-contagious bird flu in fall in ...

WHO takes bird flu as top health danger    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 22, 2006 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-09/22/content_5124870)
    Avian influenza remains the No.1 danger for global public health, said Richard Nesbit, World Health Organization's Acting Regional Director for the Western Pacific, on Friday.     He ...

Implementing the OIE/Japan Special Trust Fund Project on Avian Influenza Control in Asia    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 21, 2006 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int/eng/press/en_060919.htm)
The OIE/Japan Special Trust Fund Project on Avian Influenza Control in Asia shifted into full operational mode with the take-off of epidemiology, disease information and diagnostic capacity building activities ...

Online Seminar: Avian Flu-The Risks of Pandemic Outbreak    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 21, 2006 from St. Jude Children´s Research Hospital (via http://www.cure4kids.org/ums/home/seminars/seminars_list/sem)
Presenter: Robert G. Webster, PhD Date Presented: 22 Apr 2006 Date Added: 17 Sep 2006Event Type: Special Seminars Listen: C4K-0967-0MX_Pandemic.exe PDF: C4K-0967-0MC_Pandemic.pdf Powered by www.Cure4kids.org

WHO: Avian influenza-situation in Iraq-update 5    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 20, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2006_09_19/en/print.html)
19 September 2006 The Ministry of Health in Iraq has retrospectively confirmed the country's third case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case, a 3-year-old boy, was hospitalized ...

UK: Chief vet issues new alert over bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 19, 2006 from The Times (via http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,25149-2363889,00.htm)
BRITAIN has stepped up its defences against the deadly strain of avian flu and is to increase surveillance at the most likely disease hotspots. As thousands of wild birds return to these shores after ...

CIDRAP: Human-to-human transmission possible in Indonesia´s 65th avian flu case    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 17, 2006 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/avianflu/)
Sep 14, 2006 (CIDRAP News)-The World Health Organization (WHO) today recognized two cases of H5N1 avian influenza in Indonesia, including one from March that was first reported yesterday by a WHO official ...

Vietnam: Tests on deceased Vietnamese prove negative for bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 17, 2006 from Tuoi Tre (via http://www.thanhniennews.com/healthy/?catid=8&newsid=20163)
Tests performed on a patient suspected to have type A H5N1 bird flu proved negative, the Ho Chi Minh City-based Tropical Diseases Hospital said Saturday. The 30-year-old patient, whose name ...

World Bank: Bird flu pandemic could cost $2 trln    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 17, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
A severe bird flu pandemic among humans could cost the global economy up to $2 trillion, the World Bank said on Sunday, sharply raising earlier estimates. The comments came as a senior World Health Organization ...

UK: Health Protection Agency Collaborates To Introduce A New Pandemic Flu Data System    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 17, 2006 from Medical News Today (via http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=52046)
Delegates attending the final day of the Health Protection Agency annual conference heard of a system the Agency has developed to improve the UK 's preparedness for a future influenza pandemic.Surveillance ...

S.Korea says 5 more infected with bird flu 2003-04    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 16, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
Five more South Koreans were infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus about three years ago but none of them developed any serious illnesses, officials said on Friday after recently completed testing on old ...

WHO: Avian influenza-situation in Indonesia-update 31    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 15, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2006_09_14/en/print.html)
14 September 2006 The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed two additional cases of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. These cases occurred in March and May 2006. The first ...

U.S.: USDA final tests confirm low-pathogenic H5N1 in Maryland    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 13, 2006 from USDA (via http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?conten)
The U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior today announced final test results, which confirm that an H5N1 avian influenza virus detected in fecal samples collected last month from resident wild mallard ...

Sudan: bird flu case confirmed in Juba    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 13, 2006 from New Vision (via http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/13/520450)
THERE is a confirmed outbreak of bird flu (Avian Influenza) in Juba, Southern Sudan, the Ministry of Health has announced. The chairperson, National Task Force on Bird Flu, Dr. Sam Okware, said yesterday ...

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