China: Three previous human H9N2 cases reported
submited by kickingbird at Mar, 26, 2018 10:19 AM from WHO,CHP of HK & Local reports
According to the WHO´s latest Influenza at the human-animal interface summary and assessment, mainland China reported three human H9N2 cases from Dec 2017 to Feb 2018.
1. A 9-year-old female H9N2 case reported in Anhui province. She had onset of symptoms on 29th Dec. The patient´s hisorty of poultry contact was unknown.
2. A 3-year-old female H9N2 case reported in Xiangzhou district of Zhuhai city of Guangdong on 30th, Jan. She had live poultry exposure and onset of symptoms on 21st Jan. All 6 close cotacts´ throat swabs tested negative for influenza virus.
3. A 51-year-old female H9N2 case reported in Changping district of Beijing city on 15th, Feb. She had a history of purchase and slaughter live poultry piror to onset of symptoms on 13th,Feb. All 17 close contacts were under medical moonitoring and showed no ILI symptoms.
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