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2025-3-7 11:18:49

JULANDER JG, Kesler K, Van Wettere AJ, Morrey JD,. The use of plethysmography in determining the severity of lung pathology in a mouse model of minimally lethal influenza virus infection. Antiviral Res. 2014 May 14.
submited by kickingbird at May, 27, 2014 7:48 AM from Antiviral Res. 2014 May 14.

To characterize the impact on lung function, we assessed plethysmography parameters in a course of infection with mouse-adapted A/Pennsylvania/14/2010 (H3N2) influenza virus. Several parameters, represented by enhanced pause (penh) and ratio of inspiratory/expiratory time (Ti/Te), were observed that had early (1-7dpi) and robust changes regardless of virus challenge dose. Other parameters, characterized by tidal volume (TV), breathing frequency (freq) and end inspiratory pause (EIP), changed later (7-15dpi) during the course of infection and had a virus challenge dose effect. A third category of lung function parameters, such as peak inspiratory flow, had early, virus challenge-independent changes followed by later changes that were challenge dependent. These parameters changed in a similar manner after infection with a non-mouse adapted virus, although the time-course of many parameters was delayed somewhat when compared with mouse-adapted virus. Histopathological assessment of lung samples corresponded with changes in lung function parameters. This study demonstrates the utility of plethysmography in assessing disease in a mouse model of mild influenza virus infection.

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