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2024-10-28 10:24:10

Bendall EE, Zhu Y, Fitzsimmons WJ, Rolfes M, Melli. Influenza A virus within-host evolution and positive selection in a densely sampled household cohort over three seasons. Virus Evol. 2024 Oct 3;10(1):veae084
submited by kickingbird at Oct, 25, 2024 8:50 AM from Virus Evol. 2024 Oct 3;10(1):veae084

While influenza A virus (IAV) antigenic drift has been documented globally, in experimental animal infections, and in immunocompromised hosts, positive selection has generally not been detected in acute infections. This is likely due to challenges in distinguishing selected rare mutations from sequencing error, a reliance on cross-sectional sampling, and/or the lack of formal tests of selection for individual sites. Here, we sequenced IAV populations from 346 serial, daily nasal swabs from 143 individuals collected over three influenza seasons in a household cohort. Viruses were sequenced in duplicate, and intrahost single nucleotide variants (iSNVs) were identified at a 0.5% frequency threshold. Within-host populations exhibited low diversity, with >75% mutations present at <2% frequency. Children (0-5 years) had marginally higher within-host evolutionary rates than adolescents (6-18 years) and adults (>18 years, 4.4 × 10-6 vs. 9.42 × 10-7 and 3.45 × 10-6, P < .001). Forty-five iSNVs had evidence of parallel evolution but were not over-represented in HA and NA. Several increased from minority to consensus level, with strong linkage among iSNVs across segments. A Wright-Fisher approximate Bayesian computational model identified positive selection at 23/256 loci (9%) in A(H3N2) specimens and 19/176 loci (11%) in A(H1N1)pdm09 specimens, and these were infrequently found in circulation. Overall, we found that within-host IAV populations were subject to genetic drift and purifying selection, with only subtle differences across seasons, subtypes, and age strata. Positive selection was rare and inconsistently detected.

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