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2024-9-1 11:21:01

Committee on Infectious Diseases. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2024-2025: Technical Report. Pediatrics. 2024 Aug 26:e2024068508
submited by kickingbird at Aug, 27, 2024 8:20 AM from Pediatrics. 2024 Aug 26:e2024068508

This technical report accompanies the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics for the routine use of influenza vaccine and antiviral medications in the prevention and treatment of influenza in children during the 2024 to 2025 season. The rationale for the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation for annual influenza vaccination of all children without medical contraindications starting at 6 months of age is provided. Influenza vaccination is an important strategy for protecting children and the broader community against influenza. This technical report summarizes recent influenza seasons, morbidity and mortality in children, vaccine effectiveness, and vaccination coverage and provides detailed guidance on vaccine storage, administration, and implementation. The report also provides a brief background on inactivated (nonlive) and live attenuated influenza vaccines, available vaccines for the 2024-2025 influenza season, vaccination during pregnancy and breastfeeding, diagnostic testing for influenza, and antiviral medications for treatment and chemoprophylaxis. Strategies to promote vaccine uptake are emphasized.

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