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2025-3-7 10:10:23

Kaplan BS, Anderson TK, Chang J, Santos J, Perez D. Evolution and antigenic advancement of N2 neuraminidase of swine influenza A viruses circulating in the United States following two separate introductions from human seasonal viruses. J Virol. 2021 Aug 11:JVI0063221
submited by kickingbird at Aug, 12, 2021 14:8 PM from J Virol. 2021 Aug 11:JVI0063221

Two separate introductions of human seasonal N2 neuraminidase genes were sustained in United States swine since 1998 (N2-98) and 2002 (N2-02). Herein, we characterized the antigenic evolution of the N2 of swine influenza A virus (IAV) across two decades following each introduction. The N2-98 and N2-02 expanded in genetic diversity, with two statistically supported monophyletic clades within each lineage. To assess antigenic drift in swine N2 following the human-to-swine spillover events, we generated a panel of swine N2 antisera against representative N2 and quantified the antigenic distance between wild-type viruses using enzyme-linked lectin assay and antigenic cartography. The antigenic distance between swine and human N2 was smallest between human N2 circulating at the time of each introduction and the archetypal swine N2. However, sustained circulation and evolution in swine of the two N2 lineages resulted in significant antigenic drift, and the N2-98 and N2-02 swine N2 lineages were antigenically distinct. Although intra-lineage antigenic diversity was observed, the magnitude of antigenic drift did not consistently correlate with the observed genetic differences. These data represent the first quantification of the antigenic diversity of neuraminidase of IAV in swine and demonstrated significant antigenic drift from contemporary human seasonal strains as well as antigenic variation among N2 detected in swine. These data suggest that antigenic mismatch may occur between circulating swine IAV and vaccine strains. Consequently, consideration of the diversity of N2 in swine IAV for vaccine selection may likely result in more effective control, and aid public health initiatives for pandemic preparedness. Importance Antibodies inhibiting the neuraminidase (NA) of influenza A virus (IAV) reduce clinical disease, virus shedding, and transmission, particularly in the absence of neutralizing immunity against the hemagglutinin. To understand antibody recognition of the genetically diverse NA in U.S. swine IAV, we characterized the antigenic diversity of N2 from swine and humans. N2 detected in swine IAV were derived from two distinct human-to-swine spillovers that persisted, are antigenically distinct, and underwent antigenic drift. These findings highlight the need for continued surveillance and vaccine development in swine with increased focus on the NA. Additionally, human seasonal N2 isolated after 2005 were poorly inhibited by representative swine N2 antisera, suggesting a lack of cross-reactive NA antibody mediated immunity between contemporary swine and human N2. Bidirectional transmission between humans and swine represents a One Health challenge, and determining the correlates of immunity to emerging IAV strains is critical to mitigate zoonotic and reverse-zoonotic transmission.

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