More farms hit by bird flu, SA [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2004 from news 24 Middleton - Thousands of ostriches on five more farms have been culled by the department of agriculture over the past few days.
Sources say the mass culling was ordered after the dreaded avian flu (also ... Vaccines firm makes inroads in China submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2004 from China daily Chiron Vaccines, the world´s fifth largest vaccines company, said it will expand its investment in China in vaccines research and development (R&D) following an announcement made by the Ministry of ... Vietnam Says 2 More Dead from H5N1 Bird Flu submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2004 from Reuters HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam said two children who died of bird flu this month had tested positive for the H5N1 strain, bringing to three the number of fatalities from the latest outbreak of a virus that ... Hospitalized woman in Vietnam tests positive for bird flu [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2004 from Agence France-Presse HANOI, Vietnam -- A 19-year-old woman hospitalized in Vietnam has tested positive for the lethal strain of bird flu that has killed 27 people across Asia this year, including 19 in the communist nation, ... Public health warning on avian influenza [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2004 from VALLETTA, Malta VALLETTA, Malta (di-ve news) -- August 16, 2004 - 1905CET -- The Department of Public Health advises that any travellers to areas currently experiencing outbreaks of Avian Influenza in poultry in an certain ... CDC asking parents to start scheduling flu shots for children submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2004 from The Associated Press - ATLANTA Flu season may be months away, but that doesn´t mean parents should wait to schedule flu shots for their young children.
The government is preparing for the next flu season by urging parents to begin ... Thailand seizes bird flu vaccine submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from UNKNOW The authorities in Thailand seized more than 100 bottles of avian influenza vaccine on Sunday to implement the government's ban on use of the poultry disease ... [Detail] New Kleenex claims to blow away viruses submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from ... The company claims that 99.9% of cold and flu viruses -- specifically rhinoviruses type 1A and 2, influenza A and influenza B and respiratory syncytial virus ... [Detail] Shake-up of the process for approving vaccines is urged submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from ... approved the introduction of a new five-in-one jab designed to protect children against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, haemophilus influenza (Hib) and ... [Detail] New bird flu outbreaks spark fears submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from A 2-year-old boy from Thailand's northeastern Nong Hin province is suspected of having caught the lethal H5N1 strain of the avian influenza virus, a Thai ... [Detail] Study: Flu in Pregnancy Linked to Schizophrenia submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from yahoo news CHICAGO (Reuters) - A bout of the flu during the first half of pregnancy may damage the fetal brain and raises the risk of children developing schizophrenia later in life, researchers said on Monday. ... Vietnam reports new bird flu outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from Xinhua News Agency HANOI, Aug. 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Vietnam has just detected one more bird flu outbreak in the southern city of Can Tho.
All of 600 affected chicken in a farm in the city´s Phong ... Updated Information for Travelers about Avian Influenza, US CDC submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 16, 2004 from USCDC Updated Information for Travelers about Avian Influenza(Updated August 14, 2004; Updated July 14, 2004; Released April 23, 2004)
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Vietnamese ... 5833 items, 20/Page, Page[292/292][|<<] [|<] [291] [292] [>|] [>>|] Search local
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