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Air passengers carries bird flu virus in eggs to Guangzhou    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at May, 19, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-05/19/content_2974754)
 Guangzhou quarantine officials found a deadly bird flu virus in eggs carried by air passengers from Vietnam, the first time China had found the H5N1 virus in an airport checkpoint since the end of ...

WHO Inter-country Consultation:Influenza A/H5N1 in Humans in Asia    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 19, 2005 from WHO
Some important epidemiological features of human H5N1 infections occurred in northern Viet Nam during January through April 2005 and appeared to differ in some respects from those seen in 2004 in other ...

Novel H5N1 Receptor Binding Domains in Northern Vietnam    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at May, 19, 2005 from Recombinomics Inc (via http://www.recombinomics.com/News/05180506/H5N1_Novel_Recept)
The HA gene of viruses isolated from humans in Viet Nam in the first 3 months of 2005 showed several amino acid changes relative to 2004 viruses. None of the changes in the HA were common to all of the ...

Recombination Between H5N1 in Vietnam and Japan / China    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at May, 19, 2005 from Recombinomics Inc (via http://www.recombinomics.com/News/05180503/H5N1_Recombinatio)
>>  Recent viruses circulating in Northern Viet Nam have lost anarginine residue in the mutibasic amino cluster at the proteolytic cleavage site of the HA protein. It does not seem to be responsible ...

Bird flu in Vietnam shows greater signs of human-to-human infection    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 19, 2005 from AFP
A World Health Organisation study in Vietnam has raised the possibility that bird flu is becoming more capable of human-to-human transmission, the WHO said. The study of bird flu outbreaks in Vietnam ...

Second human bird flu case in Vietnam in a week    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 17, 2005 from China Daily (via http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-05/17/content_)
A second human case of bird flu has been identified in under a week in Vietnam where 36 people have died from the disease since late 2003, a health official said. A 58-year-old man from northern Vietnam´s ...

Vietnam reports first human bird flu case in a month    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 16, 2005 from Reuters (via http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/HAN89189.htm)
A 52-year-old Vietnamese man who ate chicken that had died of a disease has been infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus, the country's first human case in a month, a health official said on Monday. The ...

Bird flu found in Indonesian pigs    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 14, 2005 from Reuters
JAKARTA (Reuters): Bird flu has infected pigs in Indonesia, the Agriculture Ministry said on Friday, raising fears of a wider outbreak in the world´s fourth-most populous country and Southeast Asia´s ...

Asian countries urged to enhance bird flu prevention cooperation    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 13, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-05/13/content_2954070)
 Asian countries need to work togetherto build a transnational network for bird flu information exchange and experience sharing to control the disease more effectively, a WHO meeting here has urged. ...

Vietnam:initial tests show new human bird flu case(55-year-old male)    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 13, 2005 from Agence France Presse (via http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/)
HANOI: Initial tests showed a man in northern Vietnam was contaminated by the bird flu virus, the first human case in more than three weeks, doctors said on Friday. "Initial tests showed that the 55-year-old ...

Supply, demand concerns dominate flu vaccine meeting    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at May, 13, 2005 from ASSOCIATED PRESS (via http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/flu11.html)
Uncertainties over vaccine supply and demand dominated a two-day brainstorming session for the upcoming flu season, where public health officials and manufacturers discussed ways to avoid a crisis like ...

large influenza outbreak in Shenzhen, China(Not)    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 10, 2005 from F.I.C
A news ( http://etna.mcot.net/query.php?nid=38317) citing a serious influenza outbreak in shenzhen, China is not true. F.I.C have contacted the surveillance department of Shenzhen CDC, currently ...

Vietnam:Human test of bird flu vaccine set for this August    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 10, 2005 from vietnam news (via http://vietnamnews.vnagency.com.vn/showarticle.php?num=01HEA)
Viet Nam expects to start testing the H5N1 vaccine on humans in August, said a local scientist from the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Initial tests will take place on about 10-20 volunteers ...

Experts meet in Vietnam on Avian flu    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 10, 2005 from HongKong Government News (via http://news.gov.hk/en/category/healthandcommunity/050509/htm)
Centre for (Hong Kong) Health Protection Controller Leung Pak-yin is leading a team of medical and public health professionals on a trip to Hanoi to attend a World Health Organisation meeting on avian ...

Bird flu tests used in Vietnam out-of-date, may have missed cases    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 9, 2005 from Canadian Press (via http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/11155778)
TORONTO — A diagnostic test designed by Canadian researchers and used in Vietnam to detect H5N1 avian flu is out of date, scientists from the National Microbiology Laboratory admit -- raising the possibility ...

Thailand says its avian flu battle is over    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 6, 2005 from CIDRAP,BGCD Thailand (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/avianflu/)
May 5, 2005 (CIDRAP News) – After an arduous 10-month battle against the H5N1 avian influenza virus, Thailand has declared itself free of the disease, the Bangkok Post reported today. The country hasn´t ...

New legislation to control avian influenza in Europe proposed by Commission    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 6, 2005 from Eurosurveillance weekly 2005 Volume 10 Issue 5, 05 May 2005 (via http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ew/2005/050505.asp)
New legislation to control avian influenza in Europe proposed by Commission Editorial team (eurosurveillance.weekly@hpa.org.uk), Eurosurveillance editorial office To prevent and control outbreaks of ...

Vietnam to test bird flu vaccine on 600,000 chickens in Ho Chi Minh City    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at May, 4, 2005 from AP (via http://asia.news.yahoo.com/050504/ap/d89s4bm81.html)
Some 600,000 chickens in Vietnam´s southern commercial hub will be vaccinated against bird flu in an attempt to control the deadly virus, an official said Wednesday. The vaccine produced by French ...

Cambodia:fourth bird flu death confirmed    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 4, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-05/04/content_2915324)
Cambodia´s health ministry on Wednesday officially confirmed that the woman died in Vietnam last month was killed by bird flu.     "Samples taken from the woman were sent to ...

US CDC:All H2N2 flu virus samples destroyed    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 4, 2005 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/general/n)
All H2N2 flu virus samples destroyed, CDC says May 3, 2005 (CIDRAP News) – All samples of a potentially dangerous influenza virus that were sent to thousands of laboratories in 18 countries in recent ...

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