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Bird flu threat diminishes in Qinghai    
submitted by wanglh at May, 31, 2006 from China Daily (via http://english.people.com.cn/200605/31/eng20060531_269944.ht)
Domestic poultry flocks are likely to escape the menace of bird flu, despite the deadly strain claiming the lives of 604 wild birds in Qinghai Province. Local officials in the far-western province ...

WHO confirms six bird flu cases in Indonesia    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 30, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3697)
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization confirmed six new human cases of bird flu in Indonesia on Monday and said three of the infected people had died. The new cases bring WHO´s global human ...

Romania finds new suspect bird flu case    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 30, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3695)
Romania found a suspected case of bird flu in a house on the outskirts of Bucharest on Tuesday, as authorities struggled to contain a new wave of the deadly disease which has hit poultry across the country. ...

Scientists in Rome to discuss bird flu    
submitted by wanglh at May, 30, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
Three years after the first outbreaks of bird flu in Asia, experts are still puzzling at how the disease spread across three continents so quickly and how wild birds have helped disseminate the deadly ...

OIE: Avian influenza in Djibouti    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 30, 2006 from OIE
Avian influenza in Djibouti(Highly pathogenic avian influenza has never been reported before in Djibouti).Translation of information received on 27 May 2006 from Dr Moussa Ibrahim Cheick, Director of Agriculture, ...

WHO: Avian influenza-situation in Indonesia-update 15    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 30, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/entity/csr/don/2006_05_29/en/index.html)
The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed an additional six cases of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. Three of these cases were fatal.None of the newly confirmed cases is associated ...

WHO confirms two more bird flu cases in Indonesia    
submitted by wanglh at May, 29, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3687)
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Two more Indonesians have been confirmed as infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus, a health official said on Monday, citing results from a World Health Organization-recognized laboratory ...

Donors to give Bangladesh $2 million as bird flu aid    
submitted by wanglh at May, 29, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3686)
DHAKA (Reuters) - The World Bank and other international donor agencies will give Bangladesh $2 million to help the South Asian nation prepare to fight any bird flu outbreak.No bird flu cases have been ...

Paris Anti-Avian Influenza 2006    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 29, 2006 from ISANH (via http://www.isanh.com/avian-influenza/)
First International Conference on Avian Influenza in humans:Latest advances on prevention, therapies and protective measures Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, June 29-30, 2006 Please note that the ...

World Health Assembly agrees to immediate voluntary implementation of influenza-related provisions of International Health Regulations (2005)    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 29, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/entity/mediacentre/news/releases/2006/wha)
Delegates at the World Health Assembly agreed on Friday immediately to begin implementing parts of the International Health Regulations (IHR). The provisions of the regulations to be implemented immediately ...

Roche put on alert for Tamiflu stockpile after Indonesia bird flu outbreak    
submitted by wanglh at May, 28, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
GENEVA (AFP) - The World Health Organisation (WHO) said that it had alerted the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche in case it needed to call on a stockpile of the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu to fight a new ...

Hong Kong targets Indonesians in new bird flu warning    
submitted by wanglh at May, 28, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
HONG KONG (AFP) - Health chiefs targeted Indonesian workers in Hong Kong Sunday in a renewed campaign to warn the public about the dangers of bird flu. The 100,000-strong Indonesian community, many of ...

Memories of 1918 flu pandemic haunt 21st century    
submitted by wanglh at May, 28, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3683)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - As health agencies worldwide scramble to stop bird flu from becoming a pandemic that could claim millions of lives, memories of the murderous flu that swept the globe almost 100 years ...

Iran rejects reports of human bird flu cases    
submitted by wanglh at May, 28, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3684)
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's Health Ministry said on Saturday the country had no human cases of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus, dismissing statements by a medical official and lawmaker that early tests showed ...

Poultry in Indonesia village likely bird flu source    
submitted by wanglh at May, 28, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3672)
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Chickens are dying in unusually large numbers in a remote area in Indonesia where avian flu killed several members of a family, and experts say the first victim in the cluster was probably ...

Hunt is on in Alaska for deadly bird flu virus    
submitted by wanglh at May, 28, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3659)
By Yereth Rosen ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - From the recently thawed tidal flats that edge Anchorage to the tundra of western Alaska, the hunt for deadly avian influenza virus is on. Biologists and rural ...

WHO tests show Indonesian girl died of bird flu    
submitted by wanglh at May, 27, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3679)
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 10-year-old Indonesian girl who died on Tuesday in the city of Bandung was killed by the H5N1 bird flu virus, a senior health official said on Saturday, citing results from a WHO-accredited ...

Human-to-human infection of bird flu taking place in Indonesia    
submitted by wanglh at May, 26, 2006 from Xinhuanet (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-05/26/content_4605708)
JAKARTA, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian bird flu researcher CA Nidom MS said he was convinced that human-to-human bird flu infection had been taking place in Indonesia, official news agency Antara reported ...

U.S.: Swans, smuggled wildlife top bird flu fears    
submitted by wanglh at May, 26, 2006 from CNN (via http://www.cnn.com/rssclick/2006/HEALTH/conditions/05/25/bir)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A deadly bird flu virus will most likely slip into the United States through a pretty package: either majestic swans flying across the Bering Strait into Alaska or from smuggled exotic ...

Countries opt to speed up bird flu reporting rules    
submitted by wanglh at May, 26, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3666)
GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization's 192 member states on Friday committed themselves to promptly report any human cases of bird flu to build defenses against a possible pandemic. New international ...

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