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China: Scientist urges improvement of bird flu control methods    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 6, 2006 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-06/06/content_4652440)
BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government should review the strategies and effects of the bird flu control efforts of the past two years and improve them to cope with the epidemic which is still ...

Indonesian nurse with bird flu-like symptoms hospitalized    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 3, 2006 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-06/02/content_4639295)
JAKARTA, June 2 (Xinhua) -- A 25-year old nurse identified by her initials as "Ci" is currently being treated at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital for bird flu-like symptoms in Bandung, capital of West Java province, ...

High-level meeting on Avian Influenza and flu pandemic    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 6, 2006 from EU (via http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/health_consumer/dyna/enews/ind)
On June 7, the European Commission will take part in an international senior officials meeting on Avian influenza and human flu pandemic, hosted by the Austrian Presidency in Vienna. The meeting is being ...

Bird flu kills girl in hard-hit Indonesia    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 4, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
Local tests showed a 7-year-old girl has died of bird flu, a health official said Friday, the latest in a series of cases that are putting Indonesia on pace to become the world's hardest-hit country.The ...

EU extends poultry ban due to rapid spread of bird flu in Romania    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 3, 2006 from Xinhuanet (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-06/03/content_4639776)
    BRUSSELS, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The European Union (EU) widened onFriday an import ban on live poultry and poultry products from Romania following fresh outbreaks last month of the ...

Local tests show Indonesian girl dies of bird flu    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 3, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3740)
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 7-year-old Indonesian girl who died this week has shown up positive for bird flu in local tests, a health ministry spokeswoman said on Friday.The girl's samples have been sent to ...

Danish ducks had less serious strain of bird flu    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 3, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3742)
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Ducks and geese at a commercial hatchery on the island of Funen that were tested for avian flu had a less serious low-pathogenic strain of the virus, the Danish Veterinary and Food ...

New Niger bird flu outbreak near Nigeria - official    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 3, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3741)
NIAMEY (Reuters) - Scientists in Europe have confirmed a new outbreak of deadly H5N1 bird flu in southern Niger, near the border with Africa's most populous country Nigeria, a senior local government official ...

Russia starts bird flu vaccine tests    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 3, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
Russia began testing two new vaccines against bird flu on 120 volunteers in Moscow with results expected at the end of August, the head of the state-owned company behind the project said."At the end of ...

Scientists meet in Rome to discuss bird flu mysteries    
submitted by wanglh at Jun, 3, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
Scientists from some 100 countries began a two-day conference in Rome to try to define the exact role of migratory birds in the spread of avian flu, one of several mysteries puzzling researchers nearly ...

New experimental flu vaccine bypasses needles    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 2, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3722)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An experimental flu vaccine that blasts tiny particles into the skin instead of using a needle appears to be safe in people, biotech firm PowderMed Ltd. said on Wednesday. The British-based ...

Danish ducks tested for possible H5 bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 2, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3726)
Ducks and geese from a commercial hatchery on the Danish island of Funen are being tested for possible H5 bird flu, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration said on Thursday. The farm, which has around ...

WHO:Avian influenza-situation in Indonesia-update 16    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 1, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/entity/csr/don/2006_05_31/en/index.html)
Indonesian health authorities and WHO have further strengthened their response to the family cluster of cases in Kubu Simbelang village, Karo District, North Sumatra. As of today, 54 surviving family members ...

Avian Influenza: Results of EU surveillance in wild birds presented    
submitted by kickingbird at Jun, 1, 2006 from EU Press Releases (via http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=)
Brussels, 31 May 2006 The European Commission and the Community Reference Laboratory (CRL) for Avian Influenza in Weybridge have published the results of the surveillance for avian influenza in wild ...

Bird flu hitting poultry industry hard, FAO says    
submitted by wanglh at May, 31, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3711)
ROME (Reuters) - Poultry producers have been saddled with enormous costs due to recent outbreaks of the deadly bird flu virus, veterinary experts of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on ...

Bird flu could become endemic in Africa: FAO    
submitted by wanglh at May, 31, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3701)
ROME (Reuters) - Bird flu may become a permanent feature in Africa and spread to other continents due to lack of funds to fight the deadly disease, a senior Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) official ...

Indonesian boy tests positive locally for bird flu    
submitted by wanglh at May, 31, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3707)
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 15-year-old Indonesian boy has tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu, a senior health ministry official said on Wednesday, citing results of a local laboratory.These results are not ...

China, Indonesia, Africa underreport bird flu: OIE    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 31, 2006 from Reuters (via http://feeds.feedburner.com/Reuters/GlobalCoverage2?m=3708)
ROME (Reuters) - China, Indonesia and African nations do not give international bodies full reports on bird flu outbreaks because they lack funds to monitor the disease, a World Animal Health Organization ...

Eight-year-old Chinese girl survives bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 31, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
AFP - An eight-year-old girl in southwestern China who was diagnosed with bird flu just over a month ago has been released from hospital, state media said.Sun Yue, who was hospitalized on April 23 in Sichuan ...

Bird flu spreads to 75 confirmed sites in Romania    
submitted by kickingbird at May, 31, 2006 from Yahoo (via http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/birdflu/*http://news.ya)
AFP - The virulent form of H5N1 bird flu virus is spreading in Romania where the number of infected sites rose by 20 to 75, veterinary officials said.In addition, 35 other possible sites were being investigated, ...

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