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US: CDC begins sharing flu virus genetic data    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 24, 2006 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/panflu/ne)
Aug 23, 2006 (CIDRAP News) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published the genetic blueprints for more than 650 influenza virus genes to launch a new data-sharing program intended ...

Indonesia: a 6-year-old girl tests positive for bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 23, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
A 6-year-old Indonesian girl tested positive for bird flu on Tuesday, a government official said, as the World Health Organization ruled out human transmission in a village with a series of confirmed and ...

Avian influenza-situation in Indonesia-update 28    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 22, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2006_08_21/en/print.html)
21 August 2006 The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed the country's 59th case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case occurred in a 35-year-old woman from the remote ...

Asia: Regional health meeting seeks bird flu strategy    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 21, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
South and southeast Asian countries met to discuss health strategies, including the fight against bird flu, in Bangladesh on Sunday ahead of a regional meeting of the World Health Organization. The two-day ...

Indonesia: a 35-year-old woman died of bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 20, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
A 35-year-old Indonesian woman who died last week was infected with bird flu, two local tests showed, and a possible new cluster case is being probed after her daughter died showing similar symptoms, officials ...

Antigenic and genetic characteristics of H5N1 viruses and candidate H5N1 vaccine viruses developed for potential use as pre-pandemic vaccines    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 19, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/h5)
This summary describes the current status of the development of new candidate H5N1 vaccine viruses and is meant to provide guidance for national authorities and vaccine companies on the selection of candidate ...

Cambodia detects two new bird flu outbreaks    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 19, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060818/hl_afp/healthflucambodi)
Cambodia has detected two new outbreaks of the deadly bird flu virus in ducks, just days after the disease resurfaced for the first time in more than four months. "We have discovered two more outbreaks ...

New bird flu strains blamed for S.E. Asia outbreaks    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
New strains of the H5N1 virus caused some of the fresh outbreaks of bird flu in Thailand and Laos and they appear to have spread from southern China, the Food and Agriculture Organization said on Thursday. ...

Indonesia: girl dies of bird flu in afflicted village    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
A nine-year-old Indonesian girl who died this week had bird flu according to two local tests and the village where she lived is rife with the disease, the health ministry said on Thursday. The girl died ...

UK: Scientists hail breakthrough in bird flu drug quest    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 17, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
Scientists said on Wednesday they had made a breakthrough in the race to develop a drug for the H5N1 bird flu virus if it mutates into a form that can jump from human to human. But they warned that it ...

China: a H5N1 outbreak reported in Changsha city of Hunan province    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 15, 2006 from MOA
Referrence Lab of MOA confirmed positive result of H5N1 in the specimen of dead young ducks in poultry yard in Kaifu district of Changsha city, Hunan Province. More than 217,000 ducks has been culled to ...

US: Official says bird flu case no risk to humans    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 15, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
A bird flu virus has been found in a pair of wild swans in Michigan, but U.S. officials said on Monday the birds have not contracted the deadly H5N1 strain that has spread through birds in Asia, Europe ...

WHO: Avian influenza-situation in Indonesia-update 26    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 15, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2006_08_14a/en/index.html)
14 August 2006 The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed the country's 57th case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case is a 17-year-old male from a remote village in ...

China confirms new human case of bird flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 14, 2006 from MOH (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-08/14/content_4960599)
    Chinese Ministry of Health on Monday confirmed a new human case of H5N1 bird flu in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.     The victim, a 62-year-old farmer, became ...

Cambodia confirms new bird flu outbreak    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 12, 2006 from Reuters (via http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=globalNe)
Cambodia has suffered its second outbreak of bird flu this year in the same province where the H5N1 virus killed a boy in April, officials said on Saturday. The virus was confirmed in more than 1,300 ...

Viet Nam: Bird flu found in ducks    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 10, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060810/hl_afp/healthfluvietnam)
Vietnamese animal health workers have detected bird flu in a flock of ducks in the southern Mekong Delta, officials have said amid fears of a wider resurgence of the virus. Four ducks from two farms ...

WHO: Avian influenza-situation in Indonesia-update 25    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 10, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2006_08_09/en/print.html)
9 August 2006 The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed the country's 56th case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case occurred in a 17-year-old female from Jakarta ...

WHO: Avian influenza-situation in China-update 13    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 9, 2006 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2006_08_08/en/print.html)
8 August 2006 The Ministry of Health in China has today retrospectively confirmed a human case of H5N1 infection dating back to November 2003. The case occurred in a 24-year-old member of the military ...

Bulgaria´s first suspected bird flu cases in poultry not lethal strain    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 9, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060808/hl_afp/healthflubulgari)
Bulgaria's first suspected cases of bird flu in poultry were not caused by the potentially lethal H5 or H7 viruses, final test results from the EU reference laboratory has showed. Samples of the virus, ...

Indonesia: the nation worst hit by bird flu with two new deaths    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 8, 2006 from AFP (via http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/healthfluindonesia;_ylt=AnCSrCOx)
Two Indonesian teenagers are confirmed to have died of bird flu, making the nation the world's worst-hit in terms of human fatalities with 44 deaths recognised by the World Health Organisation. Indonesia ...

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