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OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza ,Mexico    
submitted by kickingbird at Jan, 10, 2013 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 08/01/2013 from Dr Hugo Fragoso Sánchez, Director general de salud animal, Servicio nacional de sanidad, inocuidad y calidad agroalimentaria (SENASICA), Secretaría de Agricultura, ...

OIE: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry) ,Germany    
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 22, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 21/12/2012 from Dr. Karin Schwabenbauer, Ministerial Dirigentin and Chief Veterinary Officer , Directorate of Animal Health, Animal Welfare, Bundesministerium für Ern?hrung, Landwirtschaft ...

OIE: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry) ,Chinese Taipei    
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 25, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 22/11/2012 from Dr Kwo-Ching Huang, Chief Veterinary Officer and Deputy Director General, , Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine Council of agriculture, Executive ...

OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Australia    
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 15, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 15/11/2012 from Dr Mark Schipp, Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, Australia Summary Report ...

WHO: Influenza update    
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 13, 2012 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/influenza/surveillance_monitoring/updates)
Summary ? Many countries of the Northern Hemisphere temperate region reported increasing detections of influenza viruses, particularly in North America and Western Europe, however none have crossed their ...

OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Nepal    
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 4, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 02/11/2012 from Dr Nar Bahadur Rajwar, Director General, Department of Livestock Services, Department of Livestock Services, Lalitpur, Nepal Summary Report type Immediate ...

CIDRAP: Fair-related swine and human H3N2 viruses closely match    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 27, 2012 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu:80/cidrap/content/influenza/swinef)
Researchers report that swine and human influenza A/H3N2 viruses associated with an Ohio county fair held in July make a nearly perfect genetic match, suggesting that there is almost no biological barrier ...

OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza ,India    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 27, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 26/10/2012 from Mr Gokul Chandra Pati, Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, India Summary Report type Immediate ...

OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza ,Nepal    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 16, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 14/10/2012 from Dr Nar Bahadur Rajwar, Director General, Department of Livestock Services, Department of Livestock Services, Lalitpur, Nepal Summary Report type Immediate ...

OIE: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry) ,South Africa    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 5, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 04/10/2012 from Dr Bothle Michael Modisane, Chief Director , Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Animal Production and Health, PRETORIA, South Africa Summary Report ...

OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza ,China (People´s Rep. of)    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 19, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 18/09/2012 from Dr Zhang Zhongqiu, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People´s Rep. of) Summary Report ...

China: Bird flu hits south China city in Guangdong province    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 18, 2012 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2012-09/18/c_1318584)
The H5N1 avian flu virus has been detected in the city of Zhanjiang in south China's Guangdong province, experts confirmed on Tuesday. The virus has infected 14,050 ducks and killed 6,300 of them since ...

FAO: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Mexico (H7N3)    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 17, 2012 from FAO (via http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/an395e/an395e.pdf)
Other countries at risk, with unpredictable outcomesThe current H7N3 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)outbreaks occurring in Jalisco, Mexico, demonstrate theconstant risk from the circulation of ...

CIDRAP: Ferret study underlines persistent threat of swine flu viruses    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 13, 2012 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu:80/cidrap/content/influenza/swinef)
A Korean-US research team has identified an H1N2 strain of swine influenza capable of killing ferrets and spreading among them by respiratory droplets, underlining the continuing threat of swine flu to ...

New fatal bird-flu virus appears in Vietnam    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 9, 2012 from VietNamNet Bridge (via http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/society/43608/new-fatal-bir)
The acting head of the Veterinary Agency, Mr. Hoang Van Nam, said the new virus still belongs to the virus branch but it is different from the virus (both A and B groups,) which caused ...

U.S.: H1N2 Variant Virus Detected in Minnesota    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 9, 2012 from US CDC (via http://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/h1n2v-cases-mn.htm)
The Minnesota Department of Health has reported detection of 3 infections with an influenza A H1N2 variant (“H1N2v”) virus  with the pandemic M gene from the 2009 H1N1 virus. These cases were reportedly associated with prolonged contact with pigs  at a fair. H1N2 viruses normally circulate in pigs, not people, but rare human infections with this virus have been  detected in the past. This virus is different from the H3N2v virus that, as of today, is reported to have caused 296 human  infections across 10 U.S. states since July 2012. These additional human infections underscore the fact that swine influenza  viruses can spread to people after close contact with infected pigs, and support the importance of ongoing surveillance for  both human and swine influenza viruses.  ...

OIE: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Netherlands    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 14, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 14/08/2012 from Dr Christianne Bruschke, Chief Veterinary Officer , Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Hague, ...

WHO: Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 11, 2012 from WHO (via 10 August 2012 - The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has not)
10 August 2012 - The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has notified WHO of a new case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus. The case is a 37 year old male from Yogyakarta province. He developed ...

An avian flu that jumps from birds to mammals is killing New England´s baby seals    
submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 1, 2012 from Columbia University´s Mailman School of Publ (via http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/cums-aaf07301)
A novel avian influenza virus has acquired the ability to infect aquatic mammals and was responsible for an outbreak of fatal pneumonia that recently struck harbor seals in New England, according to scientists ...

OIE: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Chinese Taipei    
submitted by kickingbird at Jul, 18, 2012 from OIE (via http://www.oie.int)
Information received on 17/07/2012 from Dr Kwo-Ching Huang, Chief Veterinary Officer and Deputy Director General, , Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine Council of agriculture, Executive ...

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