Australia: Nursing home flu death toll rises submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 11, 2004 from ABC Online,燗ustralia Hunter Health has confirmed influenza A is responsible for a growing number of deaths at a New South Wales aged care facility. Seven ... [Detail] Bill would ban preservative thimerosal in vaccines submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 10, 2004 from Contra Costa Times (subscription), CA ... The bill has drawn opposition from flu vaccine manufacturer Aventis Pasteur and the California Conference of Local Health Officers, who argue that it could ...
[Detail] More than 1 000 ostriches to be destroyed in EC submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 10, 2004 from SABC News, South Africa ... ostriches, which have been raised as part of an Eastern Cape black economic empowerment farming venture, started after the birds tested positive for bird flu. ...
[Detail] Young Man in Thailand Dies of Bird Flu submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 9, 2004 from The Associated Press Young Man in Thailand Dies of Bird Flu
Man in Thailand Dies of Bird Flu Virus, the First Human Casualty Since Disease Returned to Asia— A young man in Thailand has died of the H5N1 bird flu virus, the ... Canada:Four Ottawa nursing homes hit by flu outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 9, 2004 from An Ottawa senior is dead and dozens more are ill following a flu outbreak that is mystifying doctors.
"I don't think we've ever had Influenza A that early before. Not that I can remember," Liz Palmer, ... Australia: Fatalities fuelling fears of epidemic submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 8, 2004 from, Australia AT LEAST five patients have died and 15 nursing home residents have been quarantined following a suspected influenza outbreak at an aged care facility.Of the 61 residents at the Bethel Aged Care Facility ... New fatal human case of bird flu suspected in Vietnam: WHO submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 8, 2004 from XinhuaNet News GENEVA, Sept. 7 (Xinhuanet) -- The World Health Organization (WHO)said Tuesday that it has received informal reports of a laboratory-confirmed fatal case of influenza A H5 infection in Vietnam. ... Suspected bird flu claims baby's life in Vietnam submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 7, 2004 from Channel News Asia, Singapore ... He denied that the child, Le Viet Anh, had been infected with the lethal H5N1 strain of avian influenza that has already killed 19 people in Vietnam this year ...
[Detail] Malaysia: Two in hospital after flu outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 7, 2004 from Daily Telegraph, Australia TWO people were under hospital observation in northern Malaysia with flu-like symptoms today as the country fought to contain the second case of deadly bird ... [Detail] Australia:Bay escapes worst of ´flu outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 7, 2004 from MyTown Hawke´s Bay, New Zealand Hospitals and schools in Hawke's Bay have escaped the worst of an influenza outbreak that has crippled hospitals across the country. ... [Detail] Malaysia Announces 2nd Bird Flu Outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 6, 2004 from AP KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysia announced its second outbreak of deadly bird flu in three weeks Monday, the latest near a northern village close to the border with Thailand where the disease was first ... OIE: HIGHLY PATHOGENIC AVIAN INFLUENZA IN THAILAND Follow-up report No. 23 submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 6, 2004 from OIE
See also: 6 August 2004, 30 July 2004, 23 July 2004, 16 July 2004, 9 July 2004, 11 June 2004, 28 May 2004, 14 May 2004, 14 May 2004, ... Four more Thai provinces report bird flu outbreak submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 2, 2004 from Xinhua, China 2 (Xinhuanet) -- Four more spots in Thailand have been confirmed of undergoing avian influenza outbreak, the Agriculture Ministry said here on Thursday. ...
[Detail] flu outbreak in BULGARIA, more than 4600 people infected [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 2, 2004 from Xinhua News Agency (via Xinhua news agency: a summer flu outbreak occurred in BULGARIA, more than 4600 people was infected for the past week. elders and kids are most vulnerable to the infection. a big scale flu outbreak ... Vietnam reports more poultry deaths caused by bird flu submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 1, 2004 from Xinhua News Agency (via HANOI,Sept. 1 (Xinhuanet) -- Bird flu, which has almost disappeared in Vietnam´s southern localities, has recently killed nearly 300 fowls in northern Hai Duong province and central ... Taiwan: Health official aims to produce influenza flu vaccine in 2-3 years [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 1, 2004 from eTaiwan News, Taiwan The nation's top health official expressed hope yesterday that Taiwan can start to mass produce influenza vaccines within two or three years. ... [Detail] US:Completely free of avian influenza submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 1, 2004 from Daily News, Sri Lanka ... The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pleased to announce that the United States is completely free of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI ... [Detail] China: Export ban of Anhui poultry products removed [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 1, 2004 from XinhuaNet News oducts from east China's Anhui Province, which had suffered from bird flu outbreak in its Chaohu City. National bird flu reference laboratory confirmed the deadly H5N1 strain of bird One more in Thai Nguyen dies from pneumonia patient [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 31, 2004 from Viet Nam News Agency, Vietnam ... to a fever, coughing, difficult breathing and entering a coma, did not contract SARS and tested negative for the deadly H5N1 strain of the avian influenza virus ... [Detail] Japan lifts ban on poultry imports from Taiwan submitted by kickingbird at Aug, 31, 2004 from Japan Today, Japan TOKYO Japan on Monday lifted its ban on imports of chicken, chicken meat and eggs from Taiwan, as there have been no bird flu cases reported there since ...
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