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Surveillance reports of influenza virus in China    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 10, 2004 from F.I.C
Global experts can download the surveillance report of influenza virus in China by click the articles on the homepage's navigation toolbar. or simply click the link The english abstracts in TIF version ...

US:Efforts to ban preservative in flu shots revived    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 10, 2004 from The Orlando Sentinel
The government's push this year to vaccinate young children against the flu has triggered new interest in banning a mercury-based preservative found in most influenza shots. Called thimerosal, the preservative ...

A summary of respiratory viruses isolated in laboratories around Australia    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 9, 2004 from influenza centre,Melbourne
A summary of respiratory viruses isolated in laboratories around Australia. Royal Children's Hospital, Virology Laboratory, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Data provided courtesy of Dr. Robert Alexander   Specimens ...

Influenza outbreaks in New Zealand begin to subside    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 9, 2004 from influenza centre,Melbourne
The late outbreak of influenza seen in New Zealand over the past 3-4 weeks has begun to subside and the weekly consultation rates for influenza like illness (ILI) which peaked at week 38 at approximately ...

WHO Influenza Vaccine Recommendations for the Southern Hemisphere for 2005    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 9, 2004 from influenza centre,Melbourne
The WHO annual consultation on the composition of influenza vaccines for the Southern Hemisphere, 2005 took place for the first time Canberra, Australia on the 21-23 September 2004. The following recommendations ...

AIVC decision on Influenza vaccine composition for Australia 2005    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 9, 2004 from influenza centre,Melbourne
AIVC decision on Influenza vaccine composition for Australia 2005 (New 7.10.04) The meeting of the Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee (AIVC) on Influenza Vaccines was convened on 5th October 2003. ...

US:State invokes never-used law to protect scarce flu vaccine    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 9, 2004 from The Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) ?Health officials on Friday for the first time invoked an emergency state law to save the supply of suddenly scarce flu vaccine for people consideDoctors and hospitals could be subject ...

Children´s Hospital Boston wins $2.5 million in health surveillance grants    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 9, 2004 from medicalnewstoday (via http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=14685)
First-time CDC program sponsors public health research The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made two large grants to the Children´s Hospital Boston Informatics Program (CHIP) as part ...

Arizona:State works on influenza problem    [Primary member]
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 8, 2004 from Douglas Dispatch (via http://www.douglasdispatch.com/articles/2004/10/07/news/news)
PHOENIX - State health officials want most Arizonans to give up getting influenza shots this year to leave enough vaccine for those really at risk. Will Humble, chief of epidemiology and disease control, ...

Thailand:update of Avian Influenza surveillance in human    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 8, 2004 from MOPH (via http://thaigcd.ddc.moph.go.th/AI_case_report_061004.html)
Avian Influenza surveillance in humanAs at October 6, 2004.Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Diseases Control, Ministry of Public Health          Bureau ...

US CDC:Interim Influenza Vaccination Recommendations, 2004-05 Influenza Season    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 6, 2004 from USCDC (via http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm53d1005a1.htm)
Interim Influenza Vaccination Recommendations, 2004–05 Influenza Season On October 5, 2004, CDC was notified by Chiron Corporation that none of its influenza vaccine (Fluvirin®) would be available ...

WHO:Avian influenza-situation in Thailand; status of pandemic vaccine development    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 5, 2004 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2004_10_04/en/)
Avian influenza – situation in Thailand; status of pandemic vaccine development 4 October 2004 Situation in Thailand The Ministry of Public Health in Thailand has today confirmed a further case of human ...

Medical pros fear flu pandemic    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 3, 2004 from New York Daily News,燦Y
Experts are deeply worried that a "perfect storm" of virulent flu may sweep across the globe this year. The reemergence of a deadly strain of bird flu in Asia has spurred jitters among public health ...

Canada:Officials´ plan to fight avian flu    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 from globwandmail.com (via http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/L)
VANCOUVER -- If the avian flu outbreaks in Asia give rise to a new virus that proves virulent to humans, Canadian health officials will likely turn to chickens to produce a vaccine. Perry Kendall, provincial ...

US:NC plan addresses predicted pandemic    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 from Charlotte Observer (subscription),燦C (via http://www.charlotte.com/mld/observer/news/local/9806046.htm)
With world health experts predicting a flu pandemic any year now, N.C. health officials have drafted a plan for closing schools and ordering quarantines to prevent the spread of a new and deadly virus. "We ...

Facts you should know when studying influenza epidemiology in China    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 from F.I.C
Did you know? The expression of 'influenza' in Chinese means 'epidemical cold' and this greatly misleads ordinary people for believing influenza is a kind of common cold............... Did you know? Three ...

China:Bird flu alert as Golden Week approaches    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 from Straits Times,燬ingapore (via http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/eyeoneastasia/story/0,4395,)
Tens of millions prepare to go on holiday even as ministry warns of deadly virus outbreak as migration season starts BEIJING - China has gone on the high alert for bird flu as tens of millions of Chinese ...

US:California To Restrict Use of Mercury-Containing Vaccines for ..    
submitted by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 from Medical News Today
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on Tuesday signed a bill (AB 2943) that will restrict the use of vaccines containing more than trace amounts of ethyl mercury in pregnant women and infants ...

Hong Kong offers free flu vaccine    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from XinhuaNet News
 BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- The Hong Kong government would provide flu vaccine for up to 250,000 citizens free of charge in November.     The free vaccine will be ...

Avian flu pandemic feared    
submitted by kickingbird at Sep, 30, 2004 from The New York Times
BANGKOK, Thailand · A day after Thai and international officials confirmed the first probable human-to-human transmission of a virulent strain of avian influenza in this country, public health systems ...

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