WHO Inter-country Consultation:Influenza A/H5N1 in Humans in Asia submitted by kickingbird at May, 19, 2005 from WHO Some important epidemiological features of human H5N1 infections occurred in northern Viet Nam during January through April 2005 and appeared to differ in some respects from those seen in 2004 in other ... Asian countries urged to enhance bird flu prevention cooperation submitted by kickingbird at May, 13, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-05/13/content_2954070) Asian countries need to work togetherto build a transnational network for bird flu information exchange and experience sharing to control the disease more effectively, a WHO meeting here has urged. ... Experts meet in Vietnam on Avian flu submitted by kickingbird at May, 10, 2005 from HongKong Government News (via http://news.gov.hk/en/category/healthandcommunity/050509/htm) Centre for (Hong Kong) Health Protection Controller Leung Pak-yin is leading a team of medical and public health professionals on a trip to Hanoi to attend a World Health Organisation meeting on avian ... Bird flu tests used in Vietnam out-of-date, may have missed cases submitted by kickingbird at May, 9, 2005 from Canadian Press (via http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/11155778) TORONTO — A diagnostic test designed by Canadian researchers and used in Vietnam to detect H5N1 avian flu is out of date, scientists from the National Microbiology Laboratory admit -- raising the possibility ... New legislation to control avian influenza in Europe proposed by Commission submitted by kickingbird at May, 6, 2005 from Eurosurveillance weekly 2005 Volume 10 Issue 5, 05 May 2005 (via http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ew/2005/050505.asp) New legislation to control avian influenza in Europe proposed by Commission
Editorial team (eurosurveillance.weekly@hpa.org.uk), Eurosurveillance editorial office
To prevent and control outbreaks of ... US CDC:All H2N2 flu virus samples destroyed submitted by kickingbird at May, 4, 2005 from CIDRAP (via http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/general/n)
All H2N2 flu virus samples destroyed, CDC says
May 3, 2005 (CIDRAP News) – All samples of a potentially dangerous influenza virus that were sent to thousands of laboratories in 18 countries in recent ... Swiss get ready for human flu pandemic [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 27, 2005 from swissinfo The Swiss government is preparing itself for an expected influenza epidemic by issuing new guidelines.
The announcement comes at a time when the authorities are revamping their emergency health ... Computer Modeling:Cooping Up Avian Flu submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 25, 2005 from Scientific American In anticipating the next pandemic, flu specialists think the H5N1 avian flu strain, which has jumped from birds to dozens of people in Asia, will inevitably adapt to spreading from person to person. The ... Dark side to good news on bird flu submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 23, 2005 from THE WASHINGTON POST
Nguyen Sy Tuan can barely talk. His wasted frame is tucked beneath a thin white sheet on the hospital cot. His cheeks are sunken and his bulging eyes stare blankly at the ceiling.
But the young man ... Australia survives worst season for bird flu [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 20, 2005 from Reuters (via http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/SYD74201.htm) Australia, one of the few countries of the Asia-Pacific region that has not been hit by the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu, has survived the most dangerous time of year for the spread of the infection. ... WHO issues new plan for pandemic flu preparedness submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 13, 2005 from CIDRAP,WHO Apr 12, 2005 (CIDRAP News) – The World Health Organization has published a new pandemic influenza preparedness plan that puts increased emphasis on the possibility of delaying a flu pandemic to buy time ... US:Vermont´s Pandemic Plan [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 8, 2005 from local news Vermont health officials are preparing for the worst when it comes to a future pandemic. It is highly anticipated that a new worldwide influenza strain will strike in the near future and that´s why ... What is your question and suggestion to F.I.C if a pandemic occur in the future? submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 5, 2005 from F.I.C F.I.C is making a survey intend to improving our service. We welcome your advice and suggestion.
please forward what you want to know and what you think we should do in our future work, simply forwarding ... US:Bush Order Allows Isolation of Those with Bird Flu [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 2, 2005 from Reuters (via http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNews&) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush issued a directive on Friday allowing authorities to detain or isolate any passenger suspected of having avian flu when arriving in the United States aboard an international ... Hong Kong:HK Stadium may be used as clinic if bird flu hits [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 1, 2005 from The Standard (via http://www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/Front_Page/GD01Aa02.h) Hong Kong Stadium could be turned into a huge outpatient clinic in the event of a major outbreak of bird flu, health authorities said.
The plan is the latest in a series of defensive measures Hong Kong ... US:Influenza Vaccine Prebooking and Distribution Strategies for the 2005--06 Influenza Season [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Apr, 1, 2005 from US CDC (via http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5412a4.htm) Influenza Vaccine Prebooking and Distribution Strategies for the 2005--06 Influenza Season
For the 2004--05 influenza season, CDC, in coordination with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices ... WHO:Avian influenza situation in Viet Nam and Cambodia–update 12 submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 29, 2005 from WHO (via http://www.who.int/csr/don/2005_03_29b/en/) Avian influenza – situation in Viet Nam and Cambodia – update 12
29 March 2005
Viet Nam
The Ministry of Health in Viet Nam has confirmed three additional cases of human infection with H5N1 avian influenza. ... Sweden:Bird flu fund to protect half a million Swedes [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 26, 2005 from The Local - Sweden (via http://www.thelocal.se/article.php?ID=1176&date=20050326) The Swedish government has agreed to a request from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) for additional funds to help them meet the goals of their Asian bird flu readiness plan. This ... Vietnam bird flu reports under close watch in Hong Kong submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 24, 2005 from Xinhua News Agency (via http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-03/23/content_2735579) Hong Kong took close watch at bird-flu case following reports of a suspected bird flu outbreak in a village in Vietnam.
According to Wednesday´s government news release, ... Australia:Canberra lab accident raises concerns [Primary member] submitted by kickingbird at Mar, 20, 2005 from AAP (via http://seven.com.au/news/nationalnews/171317) An accidental discovery in a Canberra laboratory has raised alarm bells about the possibility of genetic engineering being used in a bioterrorism attack.
Grant Waterer, a specialist in pulmonary infectious ... 542 items, 20/Page, Page[18/28][|<<] [|<] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [>|] [>>|] Search local
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