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2025-3-14 12:10:30

submited by kickingbird at Nov, 25, 2005 13:49 PM from OIE

Information received on 18, 20, 22 and 23 November 2005 from Mr Jia Youling, Director General, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing:

End of previous report period: 17 November 2005 (see Disease Information, 18 [46], 435, dated 18 November 2005).

End of this report period: 23 November 2005.

Precise identification of agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1.

Date of first confirmation of the event: 7 June 2005.

Nature of diagnosis: clinical, post-mortem and laboratory.

Details of new outbreaks:

First administrative division Lower administrative division Type of epidemiological unit Name of the location Date of start of the outbreak Species Number of animals in the outbreaks
susceptible cases deaths destroyed slaughtered
Hubei province Shishou city village Swan economic developing area Nov. 2005 avi 7,300 3,500 3,500 3,800 0
Inner Mongolia autonomous region Molidawa Dawo´er autonomous county village Wulan 15 Nov. 2005 avi 176 176 3,202 0
Ningxia autonomous region Yinchuan city village Shangqian Cheng 17 Nov. 2005 avi 1,130 294 230 900 0
Shanxi province Xiaoyi city village Gaoyang 10 Nov. 2005 avi 9,386 8,103 8,103 1,283 0
Xinjiang autonomous region Miquan city village Niuzhuangzi 15 Nov. 2005 avi 6,120 2,064 2,064 4,056 0
Xinjiang autonomous region Urumchi city village Daban Cheng 16 Nov. 2005 avi 125 38 38 87 0
Xinjiang autonomous region Urumchi city village Wulabo 12 Nov. 2005 avi 56 8 8 48 0
Yunnan province Chuxiong city village Hehua 17 Nov. 2005 avi 11,000 2,500 2,500 8,500 0

Description of affected population in the new outbreaks: chickens and geese.


Laboratory where diagnostic tests were performed Diagnostic tests used Date Results
Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin (national reference laboratory for avian influenza)

- haemagglutination inhibition test;

- RT-PCR(1).

16-23 Nov. 2005 positive
intravenous pathogenicity index (IVPI) test 16-23 Nov. 2005 positive (highly pathogenic)

Source of new outbreaks: contact with wild birds.

Control measures undertaken:

- stamping out applied to 254,464 birds around the outbreaks;

- quarantine;

- movement control inside the country;

- screening;

- zoning;

- vaccination;

- disinfection of infected premises/establishments;

- dipping/spraying.

Final report: no.

(1) RT-PCR: reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction

See Also: Latest news in those days:

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