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2024-7-17 5:40:16

Facts you should know when studying influenza epidemiology in China
submited by kickingbird at Oct, 1, 2004 22:12 PM from F.I.C

Did you know?

The expression of ´influenza´ in Chinese means ´epidemical cold´ and this greatly misleads ordinary people for believing influenza is a kind of common cold...............

Did you know?

Three major National holidays(Golden week) in China accompany with the big scale ´population movement´ and all three holidays have different ´population flow pattern´.........

There is a lot to clearify...... F.I.C will present you a brief factsheet of what we believe global researchers should take into consideration when studying and commenting on the flu issue in China after the Chinese National Holiday (8th, Oct).

We welcome to tell us what you want to know and and what confuses you about flu in China.

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