Canada: FLUWATCH (November 9 to November 15, 2003)

Widespread influenza activity is reported in all regions in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Localized influenza activity is reported in two regions of British Columbia and two regions of Manitoba. Sporadic influenza activity is reported in two regions in British Columbia, two regions in Nova Scotia, two regions in Ontario, one region in Manitoba and the Yukon in week 46. During the week ending November 15 (week 46), sentinel physicians reported 34 cases of influenza-like illness (ILI) per 1000 patient visits, which is within baseline rates for week 46. During the one week period, November 9 to November 15, Health Canada received 1811 reports of laboratory tests for influenza, including 388 (21.42%) influenza A detections and 0 (0%) influenza B detections (see table). The National Microbiology Laboratory has antigenetically characterized 69 influenza viruses to date; 43 A/Fujian/411/02(H3N2)-like, 25 A/Panama/2007/99(H3N2)-like and 1 A/New Caledonia/20/99(H1N1)-like. During week 46, influenza outbreaks were reported in eight schools (seven in Alberta and one in British Columbia), 10 LTC facilities (four in Alberta, three in Saskatchewan, two in Manitoba and one in British Columbia) and four lodges in Alberta.

United States:
During the week ending November 8, 2003 (week 45), one state (Texas) reported widespread influenza activity, one state (Colorado) reported regional activity, eight states reported local influenza activity and 22 states reported sporadic activity. ILI visits accounted for 3.2% of patient visits to sentinel physicians, which is above the national baseline of 2.5%. Sentinel cities reported that 6.2% of deaths were attributed to pneumonia and influenza, which is below the epidemic threshold of 7.1% for this week. During week 44, the CDC received 1,056 reports of influenza tests and 203 (19.2%) were positive. Thirty influenza A (H3N2) and 170 unsubtyped influenza A viruses and three influenza B viruses were identified.
CDC: <>

WHO: Since the beginning of October, outbreaks of influenza in a number of countries in Europe and North America have been due largely to A(H3N2) viruses. Influenza activity has continued to increase during November in Finland, France, Israel, Norway, Portugal, Spain, the UK and the USA. In Europe, most H3N2 viruses that have been characterized antigenically so far this season were A/Fujian/411/2002-like; in the UK, 2/3 of isolates characterized so far were A/Fujian/411/2002-like and one third were A/Panama/2007/99-like. In the US, more than 3/4 of the A(H3N2) isolates were A/Fujian/411/2002-like; the rest are A/Panama/2007/99-like. The new drift variant A/Fujian/411/2002-like virus is related to the A/Panama/2007/99(H3N2)-like strain included in the current vaccine and antibodies induced against this vaccine strain cross react with A/Fujian/411/2002-like strains, but generally at a reduced level. It is expected that the current season’s influenza vaccine will provide cross protection for the A/Fujian/411/2002-like variant but the degree of protection is unknown.
EISS: In week 46, EISS is reporting widespread influenza activity in western Europe and low or no activity in central Europe.
WHO: <>
EISS: <>  


Total number of influenza tests performed and number of positive tests by province/territory of testing laboratory, Canada, 2003-2004

Province of
Report Period:
November 9 - November 15, 2003
Season to Date:
August 24, 2003 - November 15, 2004
Total #
# of Positive Tests Total #
# of Positive Tests
Influenza A Influenza B Total Influenza A Influenza B Total
NF 3 0 0 0 29 0 0 0
PE 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
NS 21 0 0 0 122 1 0 1
NB -
88 0 0 0
QC 145 1 0 1 1406 1 1 2
ON 356 14 0 14 3236 21 0 21
MB 104 6 0 6 544 7 0 7
SK 342 211 0 211 2340 615 0 615
AB 684 129 0 129 4849 653 0 653
BC 156 27 0 27 524 50 1 51
Canada 1811 388 0 388 13144 1348 2 1350

Specimens from NT, YT, and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces.

Note: Cumulative data includes updates to previous weeks; due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Abbreviations: Newfoundland/Labrador (NF), Prince Edward Island (PE), New Brunswick (NB), Nova Scotia (NS), Quebec (QC), Ontario (ON), Manitoba (MB), Saskatchewan (SK), Alberta (AB), British Columbia (BC), Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT), Nunavut (NU)

Respiratory virus laboratory detections in Canada, by geographic regions, are available weekly on the following website:


Number of influenza surveillance regions† reporting widespread or localized influenza activity, Canada, by report week, 2003-2004 (N=52)

Number of influenza surveillance regions† reporting widespread or localized influenza activity, Canada, by report week, 2003-2004 (n=52)

† sub-regions within the province or territory as defined by the provincial/territorial epidemiologist. Graph may change as late returns come in.


Influenza Activity Level by Provincial and Territorial
Influenza Surveillance Regions, Canada,
November 9 to November 15, 2003 (Week 46)

Influenza Activity Level by Influenza Surveillance Regions, Canada
No Data
No Activity
Sporadic Activity
Localized Activity

Note: Influenza activity levels, as represented on this map, are assigned and reported by Provincial and Territorial Ministries of Health, based on laboratory confirmations, sentinel ILI rates (see graphs and tables) and outbreaks. Please refer to detailed definitions for the 2003-2004 season. For areas where no data is reported, late reports from these provinces and territories will appear on the FluWatch website. Select single maps by report week to get this updated information.