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2024-9-27 7:29:53

US: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Shiawassee County Dairy Herd in Michigan
submited by kickingbird at Sep, 10, 2024 11:10 AM from Agriculture & Rural Development of Michigan State

September 09, 2024

Today, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) Director Tim Boring announced the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a dairy herd from Shiawassee County, bringing the total number of affected dairy herds in Michigan to 29. Testing through the Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory initially detected this case. Samples have been sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture´s (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratories for additional confirmatory testing.

Regardless of the species, biosecurity remains the best tool available to combat HPAI. On May 1, 2024, Director Boring issued the Determination of Extraordinary Emergency HPAI Risk Reduction and Response Order (HRRRO). In addition to other protocols, the order requires all dairy operations in Michigan to adopt enhanced biosecurity measures, collectively reducing the risk of introducing this virus on to farms. The order also prohibits the exhibition of all lactating dairy cattle, and those in the last two months of pregnancy, until there are no new cases of HPAI in Michigan dairy cattle for at least 60 consecutive days. No dairy cattle of any age from an infected premises may be exhibited until further notice.
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