WOAH: Bhutan - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Infection with H5N1)

Report type: Immediate notification
Started: 10 Jul 2024
Confirmed: 11 Jul 2024
Reported: 19 Jul 2024
Date of last occurrence: 24 Apr 2023
End date: -
Reason for notification: Recurrence of an eradicated strain
Disease: High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Infection
Causal agent: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Genotype/serotype/subtype: H5N1
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, laboratory, necropsy
Event status: Ongoing
This event pertains to an area within the country.

Quantitative data summary
Outbreak locations: Samtse, Bhutan
Start date: 10 Jul 2024
End date: -
Total animals affected
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of /
Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Birds (domestic) / 3998 / 1010 / 1010 / 1542 / - / -

Source of event or origin of infection: Unknown or inconclusive
Epidemiological comments: No epidemiological comment

Control measures at event level
Domestic, applied: Disinfection, official destruction of animal
products, selective killing and disposal, surveillance within the
restricted zone, traceability, surveillance outside the restricted
zone, zoning, ante- and post-mortem inspections, movement control

Diagnostic test results
Test name / Laboratory / Species sampled / Number of outbreaks sampled
/ First result date / Latest result date / Result
Real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) / National
Veterinary Laboratory / birds / 1 / 11 Jul 2024 / 11 Jul 2024 /

New outbreaks
Quantitative data summary
Outbreak location: Anderi-Doleg, Pagli, Samtse, Bhutan
Epidemiological unit: Village
Start date: 10 Jul 2024
Affected population description: The disease occurred on a commercial
farm. The village had a total at-risk population of 3998 animals.
During the index case event, 1010 birds died on the farm. To prevent
further spread, 1542 susceptible birds were culled (these birds were
near the index farm).
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of /
Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Birds (domestic) / 3998 / 1010 / 1010 / 1542 / - / -