General information
Report type: immediate notification
Date of start of the event: 27 Jul 2021
Date of confirmation of the event: 18 Aug 2021
Reason for notification: recurrence
Last occurrence: 30 Apr 2008
Manifestation of disease: clinical disease
Causal agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Serotype: H5
Nature of diagnosis: clinical, laboratory
This event pertains to the whole country.
Outbreak location: Tohoue village, Seme-Kpodji, Oueme
Date of start of the outbreak: 27 Jul 2021
Epidemiological unit: farm
Total animals affected:
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of /
Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Birds / 6661 / 6626 / 6626 / - / - / 0
Affected population: 11-month-old laying hens with digestive disorders
and a drop in lay with a 50% mortality rate at the beginning. The
outbreak is located in the village of Tohoue, which is close to
Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: unknown or
Epidemiological comments: Massive mortality up to 50% was observed the
1st 2 days following the onset of the disease in laying hens in a farm
where the animals are kept in pens. The mortality to date is 6626
poultry birds.
Control measures at event level
Domestic control measures applied: quarantine
Domestic control measures to be applied: zoning; surveillance within
containment and/or protection zone; surveillance outside containment
and/or protection zone; movement control inside the country;
slaughter; official disposal of carcasses, by-products, and waste;
disinfection; screening; control of wildlife reservoirs
Wild control measures to be applied: control of wildlife reservoirs