
nihao guest [ sign in / register ]
2025-3-14 3:24:42

China: Inner Mongolia reported two human H7N9 AIV cases(exported to Beijing, Shaanxi)
submited by kickingbird at Jun, 2, 2017 0:32 AM from CDC of Inner Mongolia Municipality

1)According to the CDC of Inner Mongolia Municipality, a male patient from Wuyuan county of Bayannur city of inner mongolia municipality tested postive for H7N9 by Beijing CDC on 30th May, considered the clinical symptoms, epidemiological investigation and lab test results, was diagnosed as the first human H7N9 AIV case in inner mongolia municipality.

2)According to the HFPB of Yulin city, Shaanxi province, a 67-year-old female farmer, surname Yang, resident of Tuke town of Uxin Banner of Ordos city of Inner Mongolia Municipality, confirmed to be the first imported human H7N9 AIV case in Yulin city on 31st May; The patient had sick/dead poultry contact history prior to the onset of symptoms. The patient and her husband developed symptoms such as cough and fever, and was not imporved after treatment in the local clinic. She went to a hospital in Yuyang district of Yulin city for treatment on the afternoon of 29th May and was transferred to the city chinese medicine hospital as suspected human H7N9 case. Her samples tested positve for H7N9 AIV by Yulin city CDC on 30th May and confirmed by Shaanxi provincial CDC on 31st May.The patient is now receiving treatment and qurantine in the hospital, all close contacts in Yulin and Ordos cities are under medical monitoring and qurantining.

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