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2025-3-13 5:15:23

China: Hebei reported one new human H7N9 AIV case
submited by kickingbird at May, 27, 2017 9:32 AM from HFPC of Hebei

During the period between 19th May to 25th May, 2017, the Hebei province reported one human H7N9 AIV case. The case was reported in Cangzhou city.

The 72-year-old male patient, surname Han,farmer, resident of Houhan village of Hanji town of Yanshan county. He had no travel history, neither been to poultry prior to the onset of symptoms. The patient lived with his wife and two sons, had raised poultry in cages in his home, and he was involving in local chicken/duck trading business. There was no previous reported clinical similar case within patient´s relatives and people in the neighbourhood.

The patient was admitted into Yanshan county hospital for treatment dued to fever on the afternoon of 23rd May, as the diagnosis could not ruled out human H7N9 AIV infection, he was given the treatment accordingly. With the worsen of his condition, the patient was transferred into ICU of Cangzhou central hospital for treatment and qurantine, remained in serious condition.

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