Two more H7N9 human cases in Guangdong

 Two more human cases of H7N9 bird flu have been confirmed in south China´s Guangdong Province, the provincial health authority said on Monday.

The two males, one in the provincial capital of Guangzhou and the other in Yangjiang City, are both in critical condition, according to the provincial health and family planning commission.

One of the males, a 47-year-old live poultry vendor, contracted the disease on Dec. 25.

The other, a 71-year-old farmer in Yangdong County, was found to have the disease on Jan. 1. He had no direct contact with live poultry.

No abnormal conditions have been found in the 120-plus people who were in close contact with the two men.

As of Monday, Guangdong has reported eight human cases of H7N9 bird flu since August.

A medical report of nine Guangzhou cases in Panyu district(published on Aug 2017) is available at: