China: First Human H7N9 case confirmed in HongKong

Secretary for Food & Health Dr Ko Wing-man has confirmed the first human case of avian influenza H7N9 in Hong Kong, affecting a 36-year-old Indonesian domestic helper. She is in critical condition.
Speaking to the media after chairing the Steering Committee on Avian Influenza meeting tonight, he said the patient was in Shenzhen last month, and had been in contact with poultry there.

She fell ill on November 21 and was admitted to Tuen Mun Hospital (  on November 27. She was transferred to Queen Mary Hospital on November 30. Her close contacts have minor symptoms and are being isolated in Princess Margaret Hospital.

Dr Ko said the Government has raised the response level from ´alert´ to ´serious´ under its preparedness plan for influenza pandemic, and the Centre for Health Protection is looking for the patient’s friend who travelled with her to Shenzhen.

The Government has suspended the import of live chickens from three Shenzhen farms, and has notified Mainland authorities and the World Health Organisation about the case.

The Hospital Authority will strengthen anti-infection measures, and will limit hospital visiting hours.

The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department will ensure safety and cleaning measures at local markets, and the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department will inspect local chicken farms to tighten infection control.