International Influenza

International Influenza

Influenza activity is low worldwide, though there are signs of the influenza season beginning in the temperate Southern Hemisphere. Influenza activity increased in South Africa during the past 3–4 weeks and 2009 H1N1 was the most common influenza subtype identified. Activity was low but increasing in Weeks 21–24 in Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand. Influenza activity is low in the tropical regions and in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. For the latest updates on the international flu situation, visit CDC’s Global Flu Activity Update. For a summary of flu activity in the United States, see FluView.

International Program Highlight

Neighborhood in Tunisia
Photo by Mary Hoelscher.
CDC and International Partners Examine 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Response

Enhancing and expanding the international pandemic response system was the topic of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent conference in Tunisia, “Strengthening the Global Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN).”
