Brazil reports 50 deaths of A/H1N1 flu in first quarter

A total of 50 Brazilians have died and 361 others have been hospitalized due to the A/H1N1 flu in the country since April 3, Brazilian Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao said Friday.

Among the deaths, 76 percent were women, 32 percent of whom were pregnant, Temporao said.

In the campaign against the deadly A/H1N1 virus, 47.5 million people have been vaccinated so far, about 81 percent of the government"e;s target.

The next stage of the campaign is aiming at the people aged between 30 and 39, with estimated 30 million people to be vaccinated. Up to May 21, all people aged over 60 are recommended to be immunized.

The A/H1N1 flu started spreading in Brazil in May last year and caused 2,051 deaths in 2009.
