WHO: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 58

Laboratory-confirmed cases of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

6 July 2009 09:00 GMT

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases is given in the following table and map.

Map of the spread of pandemic (H1N1) 2009: number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [png 190kb]

Country, territory and area Cumulative total   Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
  Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Algeria 5 0 0 0
Antigua and Barbuda 2 0 0 0
Argentina 2485 60 898 34
Australia 5298 10 730 1
Austria 19 0 4 0
Bahamas 7 0 1 0
Bahrain 15 0 0 0
Bangladesh 18 0 6 0
Barbados 12 0 0 0
Belgium 54 0 5 0
Bermuda, UKOT 1 0 0 0
Bolivia 416 0 133 0
Bosnia and Hezegovina 1 0 0 0
Brazil 737 1 0 0
British Virgin Islands, UKOT 2 0 0 0
Brunei Darussalam 124 0 39 0
Bulgaria 10 0 0 0
Cambodia 7 0 0 0
Canada 7983 25 0 0
Cap Verde 3 0 0 0
Cayman Islands, UKOT 14 0 0 0
Chile 7376 14 0 0
China 2040 0 226 0
Colombia 118 2 17 0
Cook Island 1 0 1 0
Costa Rica 277 3 50 1
Cote d´Ivoire 2 0 0 0
Croatia 1 0 1 0
Cuba 85 0 12 0
Cyprus 109 0 39 0
Czech Republic 15 0 0 0
Denmark 66 0 3 0
Dominica 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 108 2 0 0
Ecuador 204 0 41 0
Egypt 78 0 11 0
El Salvador 319 0 66 0
Estonia 13 0 0 0
Ethiopia 3 0 0 0
Fiji 2 0 0 0
Finland 47 0 4 0
France 310 0 10 0
     French Polynesia, FOC 4 0 2 0
     Guadaloupe, FOC 2 0 2 0
     Martinique, FOC 3 0 1 0
     New Caledonia, FOC 12 0 6 0
     Saint Martin, FOC 1 0 1 0
Germany 505 0 35 0
Greece 151 0 42 0
Guatemala  286 2 32 0
Guyana 2 0 2 0
Honduras 123 1 0 0
Hungary 11 0 0 0
Iceland 4 0 0 0
India 129 0 25 0
Indonesia 20 0 12 0
Iran, Islamic Republic 1 0 0 0
Iraq 12 0 1 0
Ireland 74 0 23 0
Israel 681 0 104 0
Italy 146 0 16 0
Jamaica 32 0 0 0
Japan 1790 0 344 0
Jordan 23 0 1 0
Kenya 15 0 3 0
Korea, Republic of 202 0 0 0
Kuwait 35 0 0 0
Laos 5 0 2 0
Latvia 1 0 0 0
Lebanon 49 0 2 0
Libya 1 0 1 0
Lithuania 3 0 0 0
Luxembourg 6 0 2 0
Macedonia 2 0 2 0
Malaysia 112 0 0 0
Malta 24 0 22 0
Mauritius 1 0 0 0
Mexico 10262 119 0 0
Montenegro 10 0 1 0
Morocco 17 0 0 0
Myanmar 1 0 0 0
Nepal 5 0 0 0
Netherlands 135 0 1 0
     Netherlands, Aruba 5 0 0 0
     Netherlands Antilles, Cura?ao 8 0 0 0
     Netherlands Antilles, Sint Maarten 7 0 0 0
New Zealand 1059 3 147 3
Nicaragua 321 0 13 0
Norway 41 0 0 0
Oman 4 0 1 0
Palau 1 0 0 0
Panama 417 0 0 0
Papua New Guinea 1 0 0 0
Paraguay 106 1 3 1
Peru 916 0 378 0
Philippines 1709 1 0 0
Poland 25 0 6 0
Portugal 42 0 15 0
Qatar 23 0 13 0
Romania 41 0 5 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Saint Lucia 1 0 0 0
Samoa 1 0 0 0
Saudi Arabia 114 0 25 0
Serbia 15 0 0 0
Singapore 1055 0 177 0
Slovakia 18 0 0 0
Slovenia 14 0 9 0
South Africa 18 0 6 0
Spain 776 1 16 0
Sri Lanka 19 0 2 0
Suriname 11 0 0 0
Sweden 84 0 10 0
Switzerland 76 0 4 0
Syria 1 0 1 0
Thailand 2076 7 662 4
Trinidad and Tobago 65 0 12 0
Tunisia 5 0 2 0
Turkey 40 0 0 0
Uganda 1 0 0 0
Ukraine 1 0 0 0
United Arab Emirates 8 0 0 0
United Kingdom 7447 3 0 0
     Guernsey, Crown Dependency 5 0 0 0
     Isle of Man, Crown Dependency 1 0 0 0
     Jersey, Crown Dependency 11 0 0