H1N1 Confirmed in American Samoa

American Samoa has recieved positive confirmation from tests sent to Hawaii for further testing of the H1N1 virus. A total of 8 specimens have tested positive for the H1N1 virus. A total of 35 specimens were sent to Hawaii. Some of our specimens were deemed invalid for testing due to lab issues, packing, medium used and so forth, an issue our lab personnel are looking in to. Out of the 8 confirmed for influenza A with the rapid test kits we are using, only 4 turned up positive for H1N1 and the other 4 positives were from negative influenza A specimens,we are now looking at a separate issue of the reliability of the rapid test kits, since for a lot of the PICTS this is the only rapid available method to use pending further PCR confirmation . Only two of the cases swabbed for the influenza A virus had recently travelled into the territory, the rest were local transmission. All patients who present to our hospital and outlying health clinics with ILI symptoms regardless of swabbing  are given influenza information and educated on self care if suspected of having the influenza virus. All 8 patients have recovered on home isolation  without the use of any tamiflu. Community mitigation efforts continue with health education on a daily basis.