WHO: Influenza A(H1N1) - update 52

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

22 June 2009 07:00 GMT

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases is given in the following table and map.

Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [png 213kb]

Country, territory and area Cumulative total   Newly confirmed since the last reporting period
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Algeria 1 0 1 0
Argentina 1010 7 92 3
Australia 2436 1 237 1
Austria 9 0 1 0
Bahamas 2 0 0 0
Bahrain 15 0 3 0
Bangladesh 1 0 1 0
Barbados 4 0 0 0
Belgium 29 0 10 0
Bermuda, UKOT 1 0 0 0
Bolivia 25 0 14 0
Brazil 131 0 35 0
British Virgin Islands, UKOT 1 0 0 0
Brunei Darussalam 1 0 1 0
Bulgaria 2 0 0 0
Canada 5710 13 805 1
Cayman Islands, UKOT 4 0 0 0
Chile 4315 4 1190 2
China 739 0 220 0
Colombia 71 2 11 1
Costa Rica 149 1 0 0
Cuba 15 0 0 0
Cyprus 4 0 3 0
Czech Republic 7 0 2 0
Denmark 23 0 1 0
Dominica 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 93 1 0 0
Ecuador 95 0 9 0
Egypt 39 0 10 0
El Salvador 160 0 0 0
Estonia 5 0 0 0
Fiji 1 0 1 0
Finland 13 0 0 0
France 147 0 16 0
    French Polynesia, FOC 1 0 0 0
    Martinique, FOC 1 0 0 0
Germany 275 0 37 0
Greece 48 0 17 0
Guatemala  208 1 55 0
Honduras 108 0 0 0
Hungary 7 0 0 0
Iceland 4 0 0 0
India 44 0 14 0
Ireland 23 0 7 0
Israel 291 0 72 0
Italy 88 0 0 0
Jamaica 19 0 5 0
Japan 850 0 160 0
Jordan 13 0 11 0
Korea, Republic of 105 0 21 0
Kuwait 26 0 8 0
Laos 2 0 1 0
Lebanon 12 0 0 0
Luxembourg 3 0 1 0
Malaysia 23 0 0 0
Mexico 7624 113 0 0
Morocco * 6 0 -2 0
Netherlands 91 0 4 0
     Netherlands Antilles, Cura?ao ** 3 0 0 0
     Netherlands Antilles, Sint Maarten 1 0 0 0
New Zealand 258 0 42 0
Nicaragua 189 0 45 0
Norway 17 0 0 0
Oman 3 0 0 0
Panama 330 0 58 0
Papua New Guinea 1 0 0 0
Paraguay 48 0 21 0
Peru 185 0 44 0
Philippines 344 0 33 0
Poland 13 0 6 0
Portugal 6 0 1 0
Qatar 8 0 5 0
Romania 18 0 0 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Samoa 1 0 0 0
Saudi Arabia 35 0 13 0
Singapore 142 0 65 0
Slovakia 3 0 0 0
Slovenia 1 0 1 0
South Africa 1 0 0 0
Spain 522 0 10 0
Sri Lanka 4 0 3 0
Suriname 11 0 0 0
Sweden 48 0 5 0
Switzerland 31 0 4 0
Thailand 589 0 71 0
Trinidad and Tobago 18 0 0 0
Turkey 20 0 0 0
Ukraine 1 0 0 0
United Arab Emirates 2 0 0 0
United Kingdom 2506 1 754 0
     Isle of Man, Crown Dependency 1 0 0 0
     Jersey, Crown Dependency 1 0 0 0
United States of America 21449 87 3594 43
Uruguay 36 0 0 0
Venezuela 71 0 11 0
Viet Nam 35 0 8 0
West Bank and Gaza Strip 8 0 3 0
Yemen 5 0 1 0
Grand Total 52160 231 7873 51

Chinese Taipei has reported 61 confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.

Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision


UKOT: United Kingdom Overseas Territory
FOC: French Overseas Collectivity
OT: Overseas Territory

Netherlands Antilles, Cura?ao *: 3 confirmed cases: The three confirmed cases are crew members of a cruise ship.  They did not leave the boat during their illness nor during the 24 hours preceding the onset of symptoms.

Morocco *: The data has been revised on the basis of further laboratory confirmation