WHO: Influenza A(H1N1) - update 46

10 June 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 10 June 2009, 74 countries have officially reported 27,737 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 141 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.

Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [png 200kb]
As of 06:00 GMT, 10 June 2009

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Country Cumulative total   Newly confirmed since the last reporting period  
  Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 235 0   33 0  
Australia 1224 0   173 0  
Austria 5 0   0   0  
Bahamas 2 0   1 0  
Bahrain 1 0   0   0  
Barbados 2 0   0   0  
Belgium 14 0   0   0  
Bolivia 3 0   0   0  
Brazil 36 0   1 0  
Bulgaria 2 0   0   0  
Canada 2446 4 331 1
Cayman Islands, UKOT 1 0   0   0  
Chile 1694 2 1283 1
China 142 0   34 0  
Colombia 35 0   10 0  
Costa Rica 93 1 25 0  
Cuba 5 0   0   0  
Cyprus 1 0   0   0  
Czech Republic 2 0   0   0  
Denmark 8 0   1 0  
Dominica 1 0   0   0  
Dominican Republic 91 1 47 0  
Ecuador 60 0   0   0  
Egypt 8 0   7 0  
El Salvador 69 0   0   0  
Estonia 4 0   1 0  
Finland 4 0   0   0  
France 71 0   13 0  
Germany 78 0   15 0  
Greece 5 0   0   0  
Guatemala 60 0   30 0  
Honduras 89 0   55 0  
Hungary 3 0   0   0  
Iceland 2 0   1 0  
India 4 0   0   0  
Ireland 12 0   1 0  
Israel 63 0   9 0  
Italy 50 0   0   0  
Jamaica 7 0   3 0  
Japan 485 0   75 0  
Korea, Republic of 48 0   1 0  
Kuwait 18 0   0   0  
Lebanon 8 0   5 0  
Luxembourg 1 0   0   0  
Malaysia 5 0   0   0  
Mexico 5717 106 0   0  
Netherlands 22 0   12 0  
New Zealand 23 0   9 0  
Nicaragua 29 0   11 0  
Norway 9 0   0   0  
Panama 221 0   42 0  
Paraguay 16 0   11 0  
Peru 64 0   3 0  
Philippines 54 0   21 0  
Poland 6 0   1 0  
Portugal 2 0   0   0  
Romania 9 0   0   0  
Russia 3 0   0   0  
Saudi Arabia 1 0   0   0  
Singapore 18 0   3 0  
Slovakia 3 0   0   0  
Spain 331 0   40 0  
Sweden 16 0   2 0  
Switzerland 16 0   0   0  
Thailand 8 0   0   0  
Trinidad and Tobago 2 0   0   0  
Turkey 10 0   0   0  
Ukraine 1 0   1 0  
United Arab Emirates 1 0   0   0  
United Kingdom 666 0   109 0  
United States of America 13217 27 0   0  
Uruguay 24 0   7 0  
Venezuela 12 0   8 0  
Viet Nam 15 0   6 0  
Grand Total 27737 141 2449 2

Chinese Taipei has reported 24 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.

Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision