China: Suspected A/H1N1 flu case reported in East Fujian province

China´s Health Ministry reported a suspected A/H1N1 influenza case in Changle City, east China´s Fujian Province, on Saturday afternoon.

    The patient was a two-year-old girl.

    On Tuesday morning, the patient and her family took the flight CX841 at New York International Airport and reached Hong Kong at 2p.m. on the following day.

    Staying for about three hours at Hong Kong airport, they took flight KA662 and arrived at Changle International Airport at 6:30 p.m. They then took taxi going home. The taxi driver has been located and contacted.

    At around 8 a.m. Thursday, the baby had acute respiratory infection symptoms, with a body temperature of 39 degrees. She was then sent to the municipal hospital in Changle, where preliminary tests came back positive for possible A/H1N1 influenza disease.

    Now the patient has a body temperature of 37.5 degrees, with symptoms of cough and phlegm. But she remains in stable condition.

    The eight close contacts of the patient in hospital were put under quarantine. The local health bureau also tried to find those who may have had close contact with the patient during the flight.

    The test results needed to be sent to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for a final conclusion.

    China´s Health Ministry had sent five experts to the province for the patient´s treatment and disease prevention work.