China: H5 virus found in dead pigeon in Hong Kong

Preliminary tests on a feral pigeon carcass found in Tuen Mun indicate a suspected case of H5 avian influenza, the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department says.


Confirmatory tests are being conducted.


The dead bird was found at Leung Tak Street, Tuen Mun on Monday. There are no poultry farms within three kilometres.


Poultry farmers have been reminded to strengthen precautionary and biosecurity measures against bird flu. Pet bird shop owners, and those holding licences to keep pet poultry or racing pigeons have also been reminded to take proper precautions.


People should observe good personal hygiene and avoid personal contact with wild birds and live poultry and their droppings. They should clean their hands thoroughly after coming into contact with birds.


Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before consumption.


People can call the 1823 hotline for follow up if they come across suspicious sick or dead birds, including carcasses of wild birds and poultry.