UK: H6N1 low pathogenic Avian Influenza now confirmed at poultry premises in East Anglia

H6N1 low pathogenic Avian Influenza now confirmed at poultry premises in East Anglia

Further laboratory tests have now confirmed that the H6N1 avian influenza virus present at two poultry premises in East Anglia is of low pathogenicity.

This means that the routine restrictions put in place while the investigations were ongoing are no longer required and have now been lifted as the presence of a statutory notifiable disease has been ruled out.

The H6 serotype of avian influenza virus has been found in wild birds in Europe as well as in poultry in previous years. However, to date, H6 has not been found to be highly pathogenic.
It is important that poultry keepers remain vigilant by looking for any signs of disease in their birds. Any concerns should be reported immediately to their local vet or reported to the Animal Health Agency so that statutory notifiable disease can be ruled out promptly.

Notes to Editors

  1. Avian influenza is a disease of birds. Whilst it can pass very rarely and with difficulty to humans, this requires extremely close contact with infected birds, particularly faeces.
  2. All avian influenza viruses (H1 to H16) can exist in the low pathogenic form but to date only those of H5 and H7 sub types have been associated with high pathogenicity.
  3. For further information, please visit the avian influenza pages on the Defra website:
  4. Avian influenza has previously been found in Great Britain on the following occasions: