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2024-6-2 0:33:34

Indonesia: Bird flu kills 3-year-old boy, bringing nation´s
submited by kickingbird at Feb, 17, 2008 14:1 PM from AP

A 3-year-old Indonesian boy has died of bird flu, bringing the nation´s death toll from the disease to 105, health officials said Saturday. It was the second bird flu death reported in one day in Indonesia, where health officials announced earlier that a 16-year-old boy from Central Java province had also died from the disease.  The latest victim was identified only as Han, a 3-year-old boy from southern Jakarta who died Friday at a hospital in the eastern part of the capital, Jakarta, radio El-Shinta reported. Nyoman Kandun, a senior official at Health Ministry, confirmed the report but did not provide details.
Laboratory tests confirmed the boy had been infected with the dangerous H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus, Kandun said.
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