China: a Grey Heron found in Hong Kong tested positive for H5N1

Mai Po Nature Reserve will close 21 days after a Grey Heron found in Lok Ma Chau tested positive for H5N1 avian influenza, the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department says.

The department will monitor the situation and review the closure period.

The bird was found sick and was collected on December 5 at the wetland compensation area of the MTR Lok Ma Chau Spurline. The bird was kept in a cage and died the next day. There are no chicken farms within three kilometres of where the bird was found.

The department will remind poultry farmers, bird shop owners, licence holders of pet poultry and racing pigeons to strengthen precautionary and biosecurity measures.

It will also conduct frequent inspections of poultry farms and wholesale markets, and will continue wild bird monitoring and surveillance.

The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department will continue to be vigilant over imported live poultry as well as live poultry stalls and will remind stall operators to maintain good hygiene.

As the threat of avian influenza remains, departments will remain vigilant and take necessary preventive and control measures.