WHO: Avian influenza-situation in Viet Nam-update

31 August 2007

WHO has introduced an External Quality Assessment Project (see description of EQA project) for national reference laboratories for the detection of subtype influenza A viruses by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and has now amended the criteria for accepting confirmed cases of A(H5) infection (see amended WHO criteria).

Based on the amended criteria, the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam confirms the following 5 additional cases of human infection with H5N1 avian influenza, including 4 deaths, in the country. The table of cumulative number of confirmed human cases has been amended accordingly.

Sex Age Location Onset date Hospitalized Outcome
F 28 Ha Nam 3 Jun 07 6 Jun 07 Died 21 Jun 07
M 29 Thanh Hoa 30 May 07 31 May 07 Recovered
M 20 Ha Tay 2 Jun 07 8 Jun 07 Died 10 Jun 07
F 22 Ha Tay 20 Jul 07 22 Jul 07 Died 28 Jul 07
M 15 Thanh Hoa 27 Jul 07 1 Aug 07 Died 3 Aug 07