Real-time epidemiological surveillance data: tracking the occurrences of avian influenza outbreaks around the world

Objectives: This study aims to provide real-time surveillance of epidemiological outbreaks of avian influenza in humans and mammals. The primary objective is to understand and track the dynamics of outbreaks as they develop, facilitating timely interventions and informed public health decisions. The data collection is part of a broader initiative focused on improving preparedness and response capabilities to emerging health threats.

Data description: The dataset includes comprehensive and up-to-date information on epidemiological patterns, including geographic spread, incidence rates, and demographic factors. Collected through systematic monitoring and reporting systems, this dataset is invaluable to researchers seeking to understand the evolving nature of avian influenza outbreaks in the global context. By sharing these data, we aim to contribute to the collective knowledge base by supporting evidence-based strategies for effective public health management and intervention.