Evaluation of Commercial RNA Extraction Protocols for Avian Influenza Virus Using Nanopore Metagenomic Sequencing

Avian influenza virus (AIV) is a significant threat to the poultry industry, necessitating rapid and accurate diagnosis. The current AIV diagnostic process relies on virus identification via real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). Subsequently, the virus is further characterized using genome sequencing. This two-step diagnostic process takes days to weeks, but it can be expedited by using novel sequencing technologies. We aim to optimize and validate nucleic acid extraction as the first step to establishing Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) as a rapid diagnostic tool for identifying and characterizing AIV from clinical samples. This study compared four commercially available RNA extraction protocols using AIV-known-positive clinical samples. The extracted RNA was evaluated using total RNA concentration, viral copies as measured by rRT-PCR, and purity as measured by a 260/280 absorbance ratio. After NGS testing, the number of total and influenza-specific reads and quality scores of the generated sequences were assessed. The results showed that no protocol outperformed the others on all parameters measured; however, the magnetic particle-based method was the most consistent regarding CT value, purity, total yield, and AIV reads, and it was less error-prone. This study highlights how different RNA extraction protocols influence ONT sequencing performance.